Monday, December 30, 2019

Bias Essay - 994 Words

Bias nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What does the word bias mean? Bias is a mental predilection or prejudice. The essay quot;The View from the Bottom Railquot; by James West Davidson and Mark Hamilton Lytle opened my eyes on how American history could be looked at as one sided and even bias. Even today there is still bias in America. In todays society, racism and stereotyping occur in all aspects of life. It can occur because of ones gender, race, religion, culture, economic status, etc. It even occurs amongst our finest, our law enforcement officials. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quot;The View from the Bottom Railquot; explains the history of slavery. It implies a lack†¦show more content†¦There were two interviews done on the same lady named Susan Hamlin by two different interviewers. One interviewer was a white lady named Jessie Butler and the other was a black man named Augustus Ladsons. Susan thought Jessie was from the welfare office. Susan possibly told Jessie what she thought Jessie would want to hear in order to increase her chances of getting a welfare check. She spoke of her master as though he was the kindest. All the slaves loved their master. He gave them shoes in the winter. He kept the children with their mothers and when the war started he took everyone including the slaves to a safer place. On the other hand, Susan told Augustus a totally different story. She spoke of the whippings in cruel detail. She also spoke of how the slaves families were torn apart, and children were taken from their mothers. There were no shoes given to the slaves in the winter. Which interview is closest to the truth? How do you tell? In my past I have experienced many bias situations. I am a Puerto Rican male living in America. I have hazel eyes and light skin. Because of my eyes and skin color, I have been mistaken for Caucasian. I have had to deal with people calling me quot;white boyquot; all the time. As a child, one of my uncles gave me the nick name quot;gringoquot;, Spanish word for white boy. I grew up in East New York (Brooklyn, NY), which is a predominantly AfricanShow MoreRelatedThe Bias Of The Media1317 Words   |  6 Pagesquestion that needs to be answered. The progressive liberal side screams bias whiles the conservative army also scream bias so is there really bias in the media. I will take a look at the mass media most specifically cable news and syndicated talk shows to prove the point that bias in the media is more a myth that the leaders of each side preaches so that their followers believe that this bias exist. Not to be confused media bias does exist but also there is barely any objective source left such thatRead MorePsychological Science and Gender Bias1351 Words   |  5 Pagesa study may be hampered by the bias involved in the study. 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Working long hours, studyingRead MorePsychology And Cognitive Science, Confirmation Bias ( Or Confirmatory Bias )1074 Words   |  5 PagesIn psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one s preconceptions, leading to statistical errors. It is a type of cognitive bias and represents an error of inductive inference toward confirmation of the hypothesis under study. Confirmation bias is a phenomenon wherein decision makers have been shown to actively seek out and assign more weight to evidence that confirms their hypothesis, andRead MoreNews Programs Bias And Political Party964 Words   |  4 PagesA news programs bias and political party standings can effect what types of propaganda they show of certain candidates. For example, FOX news is a strictly Republican news channel, it supports Republican candidate, meanwhile news channels such as MSNBC and PBS are extremely democratic programs and support Democratic candidates in elections. News programs political bias can affect the way that particular program portrays a candidate for an upcoming election and a candidate’s portrayal can change aRead MoreEffects Of Bias On Positive Feedback768 Words   |  4 Pagesphenomenon, referred as the negativity bias (Baumeister et al. 2001; Rozin and Royzman 2001), is ubiquitous in our daily life. Ill news travels faster than good ones (Basu 1997). Ne gative feedback have a higher impact than positive feedback (Basuroy et al. 2003, Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006). And negative experiences are easier to recall (Baumeister et al. 2001, Huang et al. 2014). Indeed, negativity bias exists in different ways and it has been identified as a cognitive bias that is persistent and difficult

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Hobbes on Institutional Sovereignty - 1088 Words

A right, or power, institutional sovereignty is said to have addresses protest against the sovereign. Hobbes makes extremely clear that actions of the instituted sovereign are wholly protected. This particularly lucid in the following: Thirdly, because the major part hath by consenting voices declared a sovereign, he that dissented mu8st now consent with the rest . . . or else be justly destroyed by the rest. For if he voluntarily entered into the congregation of them that were assembled, he sufficiently declared thereby his will . . . to stand there to what the major part should ordain; and therefore, if he refuse to stand thereto, or make protestation . . . he does contrary to the covenant, and therefore unjustly . . . he must submit†¦show more content†¦It is also important to note that Hobbes brings to light the solvency, or legality, of both types of sovereignty, as both are rooted in fear. That is to say, it is held that â€Å" . . .all such covenants as proceed from fear of death or violence [are] void,† meaning neither sovereignty should maintain legitimacy. However, Hobbes reconciles this by stating that it is after sovereignty is established that fear of death or violence cannot oblige people to agree. (127) Furthermore, simple the presence of fear cannot invalidate covenants, as commonwealths would be impossible to create. (127) Combined with the fact that there exists choice in both institutional and acquisitioned sovereignty, there is support for the legal groundings of both and they are consequently placed on equal footing for asserting their relative claims of right. (128) With regard to the claims of right sovereignty through acquisition has, it shares all of those demonstrated in institutional sovereignty. Hobbes lists these rights that are reflected in sovereignty by acquisition: But the rights and consequences of sovereignty are the same in both. His power cannot, without his consent, be transferred to another; he cannot forfeit it; he cannot be accused by any of his subjects of injury; he cannot be punished by them; he is judge of what is necessary for peace, and judge of doctrines; he is sole legislator, and supreme judge of controversies, and of theShow MoreRelatedSovereignty Essay700 Words   |  3 PagesSovereignty Sovereignty refers to ultimate and absolute authority designated to either an individual or an institutional body. The term sovereignty could be contested due to the fact that there is no universally agreed definition. Thomas Hobbes defined what he considered the basis of a political body as the most high and perpetual. (Hobbes, quoted in Heywood, 1997, p26.) This view has proved rather simplistic. It fails to take into consideration the limitationsRead MorePolitical Legitimacy As Viewed By Thomas Hobbes Vs. 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Yet, the question is to why a society may need a sovereign if the state of nature was so, arguably, peaceful in the first place. Locke argues that this is because there are bound to be some peopleRead MoreA Political Philosophy Of Erich Przywara s Analogia Entis1835 Words   |  8 Pagespolitical philosophies. Take two other political philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, specifically regarding the nature of the state. Hobbes seems to take the univocal position; the state is the unification of the people, the body, and the king as the head, forming the Leviathan. With this being said the position flips into equivocity, because the king is seen as the â€Å"greater dissimilarity.† The problem Hobbes runs into is his absolutism; if the king becomes a tyrant, all the citizensRead MoreCicero s Influence On The Modern Political And Legal World3164 Words   |  13 Pagesin the natural fellowship of humanity, which should govern all positive enactments of the state. Measuring positive law against the standard of justice, pushing the boundaries of an already revolutionary doctr ine, Cicero tried to discover the institutional arrangements that would best secure and perpetuate justice for the people. He idealized this through the structures of constitutional government. (Cicero De Legibus I.6.20) Cicero’s work attempted to perfect the actual constitution of Rome, byRead MoreThe Concept of Political Representation Essay2655 Words   |  11 Pagespolitical theorists who wrote about representation include Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Thomas Hobbes discussed the concept of â€Å"implied agreement† in his book, Leviathan, in 1651. He argued that people agreed to give absolute power to a sovereign, who would then be responsible for making and enforcing laws in order to ensure a peaceful society (Hobbes 1996). 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Both Thucydides and Hobbes reference a type of balancing aimed at reestablishing an equilibrium of power within the international system. Gulick referred to this behavior by states as a doctrine of counterpoiseRead MoreThe Balance Of Power Theory2162 Words   |  9 PagesThucydides’ account of the Melian dialogue, he indirectly refers to countries balancing in response to growing Athenian power and aggression (Thucydides, 1972). Over 1200 years later, Hobbes described balancing in reference to the ability of a confederacy of the weak to overwhelm the strong (Hobbes, 1996). Both Thucydides and Hobbes refe rence a type of balancing aimed at reestablishing an equilibrium of power within the international system. Gulick refers to this behavior by states as a doctrine of counterpoiseRead MoreEssay about Transatlantic Constitutions: Comparing the US and the EU4377 Words   |  18 Pagesgovernment. (Fabbrini, 2004, p.549) This means that the power has to be derived from the people: in short, the constitution IS the people and stems from their wishes and desires. That is why, for example, Governors have to operate within the institutional constraints defined by citizens through their constitution. (Fabbrini, 2004, p.549) Going back to the American Way of doing things, the constitution is a written document that is separate from other legal texts since: ol li value=1

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Improvements in Sri Lankan Logistics Industry Free Essays

Sir Land’s mission is to continue the momentum to become an integral part of South Sais’s drive to position itself as one of the most important global economic areas. Given the limited size of Sir Land’s International Ranking has improved domestic market, targets set by the from 137 to 81 in the World Bank government on export growth cannot Logistics Performance Index 2012. Be met without Land’s Logistics Sector’s significant improvement in export performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Improvements in Sri Lankan Logistics Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both export product categories and Sir Lankan has made progress in this index thanks to the improvements it has destinations need to be diversified. Made A concerted effort to plug into Asian infrastructure, international shipments, supply logistics Haines will also particularly important. Ata time when the global economic centre of gravity is shifting from West to East, Sir Lankan needs to address a situation where 60% of its exports in areas quality such and customs competence, tracking, tracing and timeliness. The rating, which is being conducted once in every two years is based on 6000 individual country assessments by nearly are directed to the sluggish markets 1 ,OHO international freight forwarders, of Europe and North America and who rates the eight foreign countries less than 10% to the dynamic their company serves most frequent markets in China and India In this context Logistics Performance index (LIP) plays an important role to measure the ease of doing business as well as the logistic friendliness of the country.. The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Sir Lankan (CBS) is taking the lead in bringing about a significant improvement of Sir Land’s ranking on this index. The target is to take Sir Lankan into the top 30. 1 | Page China, India and Brazil – three of the so-called BRICE countries – remain the most dominant emerging markets for investors, exporters, producers of consumer goods, and logistics providers. For the second consecutive year, logistics and trade refashions ranked China, India, Brazil and Russia as the likely places to emerge as logistics hubs over the next five years. Sir Lankan Place Rank No 30th on † Agility Emerging Market Logistics Index 2013†³ The United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar are standouts among countries that are smaller markets with good economic prospects and easy market entry. Sir Lankan also was part of that group. The Alp’s six components includes The efficiency of the clearance process(speed, simplicity, and predictability of formalities) by border control agencies, including customs. ; The quality of trade- and transport-related infrastructure (ports, railroads, roads, information technology). For â€Å"market compatibility’ Sir Lankan scores higher than any Asian country except for China. Following a long, brutal civil war, the country has experienced strong economic growth and put security threats behind it. Even so, Sir Lankan has not yet been able to draw levels of foreign direct investment comparable to those attracted by countries of similar size and potential. ; The ease of arranging competitively priced shipments. ; The competence and quality of logistics services (transport operators, brokers). ; The ability to track and trace consignments. The frequency with which shipments reach the consignee within the scheduled or expected delivery time. Source : Agility Emerging Market Logistics Out of six LIP index components we are Index 2013 going to consider the first two factors under the projects we are going to discuss. With the Sir Lankan government implementation and fast track programs on Information Technology ( series Lankan ) the connectivity and platform s were build across the public and private sectors to ease the processes and way of working . This has improved the efficiency of the Public sector greatly and also a way of making processes denaturized. Also the government has taken a leap step ahead to improve infrastructure relating to logistics not only in terms of Ports Airport , new Highways , rail road’s as well as road matrices are coming up. 21 Page Two Key Projects we are going to consider are, 1 . Colombo Port Expansion Project 2. SAUCED – Automated System for Customs Data COLOMBO PORT EXPANSION PROJECT The Colombo Port Expansion Project provides for dredging and breakwater construction sufficient to accommodate three terminals, which will be constructed sequentially. The Project includes the establishment of a new marine operations enter, relocation of a submarine oil pipeline, provision of navigational aids, and construction of shore utilities. The Project will be developed on a public-private partnership basis. The harbor infrastructure works, I. E. , dredging, breakwater construction, and other works, will be implemented by the Sir Lankan Ports Authority (SLAP). The first two terminals will be operational in 2013 and 2015 respectively and constructed by operators chosen through open competitive bidding under build-operate-transfer (SOT) concession agreement. Colombo Port is the natural transshipment † This is a development that will definitely reduce freight rates, sake us more competitive, and attract more ships to call at Colombo. We are looking at this project to convert Colombo to the biggest transshipment hub in the region. † hub port for the South Asian region. – Primary B. Wisecrack However, in recent years Colombo Port lost Chairman , Sir Lankan Ports Authority market share of the regional transshipment market because the fundamentals of the market changed and Colombo Port did not adapt. Colombo Port cannot offer the additional operating capacity required to compete for the Indian subcontinent transshipment market or the depth required to berth the latest generation container ships. Colombo Port will have to develop additional container berths with the required depth to address these capacity and depth infrastructure 3 | Page The Making off Hub The last time Sir Lankan built a breakwater to protect its fleet of ships, the teardrop- shaped island off the coast of India was called Ceylon, and was still under colonial rule. Today, this independent country of 21 million people is a regional rising star, and the government is capitalizing on the island’s strategic location to promote it as an economic hub in South Asia. The new breakwater at Colombo Port is part of a $500 million port expansion supported in part y $300 million DAB loan – that is moving Sir Lankan toward this goal. Coulomb’s breakwater has a depth Colombo Harbor 18 meters, compared to the previous 14 – 1880-1890 to 15 meters – a crucial difference in a world in which ever bigger cargo ships require ever deeper docking berths. Around 7 hectares of sea was reclaimed for the breakwater, which features 34,500 specially designed boulders – along Container handling capacity before the project 3. 3 million with an additional 5-meter-high wave wall – that can defend the port against Container handling capacity by 201 5 the most inclement weather. 8. 1 million The breakwater was completed in Container handling capacity by 2024 April 2012 and two 400-meter-long 12. 5 million terminals by July 2013. A third 400- meter terminal is also in the planning stages. These will make it possible for Colombo Port to 4 page accommodate the latest generation of mega-container ships, which carry 18,000 containers and more. According to officials the project will eventually increase the port’s capacity to 12. 5 million containers per annum from a current 5 million. Direct to Market The main breakwater and access channel enable the development of the three container terminals. The first of these, the South Container Terminal, is being plopped under a public-private partnership. How to cite Improvements in Sri Lankan Logistics Industry, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Square Textiles Ltd. free essay sample

1. 0 COMPANY OVERVIEW 1. 1 ABOUT COMPANY: Square Textiles Ltd. started its journey by establishing the first unit in 1997. One year later the second unit was established. Square Textile is a subsidiary company of Square Group . The Company was incorporated as a public limited company in the year of 1994. The operation was started in 1997. The factory is located in Saradaganj, Kashimpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Its office is located at Uttara in Dhaka 1. 2 MISSION STATEMENT: The mission statement of Square Textiles Limited is â€Å"Our mission is realization of vision through maximum production of goods and services strictly on ethical and moral standards at minimum costs to the society ensuring optimum benefits to the shareholders and other stakeholders. † 1. 3. KEY PRODUCT / SERVICES: As stated earlier the business line of the company is manufacturing and marketing of yarn. It manufactures: †¢ 100% Cotton Ring Span Yarn For Hosiery †¢ 100% Cotton OE Rotor Yarn for Hosiery †¢ Knit Fabrics for 100% export oriented readymade Garments Industry. It also performs the following services:- Dying Post Mercerization. †¢ Fabric Dying 1. 4 STRATEGIC GOALS OBJECTIVES: The company sets the following objectives for it to achieve: †¢ To strive hard to optimize profit through conduction of transparent business operations within the legal and social framework with malice to none and justice for all †¢ To create more jobs with minimum investments †¢ To be competitive in the internal as well as external markets †¢ To maximize export earning with minimum imported in-puts †¢ To reduce the income gap between top and bottom categories of employees. 2. 0 MANAGEMENT Management: The entire management process comprises the following units: 2. 1. Executive Management: The Managing Director, the CEO is the head of the Executive Management Team which comprises senior members of the Management Apparatus. Within the limits of delegated authority and responsibility by the Board of Directors , Executive Management operates through further delegation of authority at every echelon of the line management . The executive Management operates within the framework of Policy Planning strategies set by the Top Management with periodic performance reporting for guidance . 2. 2. Management Committee: Comprising top executives , deal with entire organizational matters. 2. 3. Standing Committee: Standing Committee comprises the following committee: 2. 3. 1. Audit Committee: †¢ Internal Audit Committee †¢ ISO Audit Committee †¢ Social / Environment Committee †¢ Performance Evaluation Audit Committee 2. 3. 2. Employment Relations Committee: †¢ Remuneration Committee †¢ Work Environment Committee †¢ Performance Evaluation Audit Committee 2. 3. 3. Management Committee: †¢ Product Planning Development Committee †¢ Quality Control Research Committee †¢ Production Inventory Management Committee Export Promotion Committee 3. 0 MARKETING OVERVIEW 3. 1 POTENTIAL CUSTOMER: The target market for products produced in Square Textiles Ltd. and Square Spinning Ltd. is Export Oriented Readymade Garments Industry. Readymade Garments exporter that is Knit Fabrics, Sweater and Denim manufacturer. In Bangladesh Beximco Kitting, Grameen Knitwear, Shasha Denim, Knit Concern etc are the customers. Target market for products produced in Square Fashion Ltd. is Europe and U. S. A. Square Textiles does not direct sales in overseas market but sometimes India, Pakistan other countries take their yarn. . 2 SIZE GROWTH OF MARKET: The Company’s marketing operations continued its emphasis on export sales over the years as depicted below: | |Year 2006 |Year 2005 |Year 2004 | |(a) Quality sold (Kg) | | | | |Local sales |99,800 |527,903 |539,417 | | |(0. %) |(3. 7%) |(3. 9%) | |Export Sales |14,554,342 |13,817,314 |13,129,599 | | |(99. 3%) |(96. 3%) |(96. %) | |Total Sales |14,654,142 |14,345,217 |13,669,016 | | |(100%) |(100%) |(100%) | | | | | | |(b) Sales Revenue ( Taka ) | | | | |Local Sales |9,455,588 |32,576,936 |46,956,494 | | |(0. 4%) |(1. 8%) |(2. 3%) | |Export Sales |2,093,214,675 |1,756,441,450 |2,029,968,545 | | |(99. 6%) |(98. 2%) |(97. %) | |Total Sales |2,102,670,263 |1,789,018,386 |2,076,925,03 9 | | |(100%) |(100%) |(100%) | 3. 3 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS: Among the domestic companies Square is one of the leading one. The other potential competitors are Padma Textiles, Shamim Textile etc. Competition will be severe after 2005, that is, during the post multifiber agreement period. World market will be Quota free at that time. So Bangladesh will have to compete with countries like Srilanka, China, Pakistan, Vietnam etc. 4. 0 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 4. 1. Human resource planning Square textiles Ltd. has a personal and administrative Department . Square textiles Ltd is one of the biggest employers in Bangladesh. The total number of employers in Bangladesh . The total number of employees is 1,223. For the employees there are systematic in house training in home and abroad . To motivate the employees, along with salary and benefits the company provides various facilities like free meals , free transportation , 24 hour medical center , on site sports 4. 2. Recruitment process in SQUARE textiles Ltd. Source of recruitment There are two kinds of source SQUARE textiles Ltd. uses for recruitment . They are 1. External source 2. Internal source. We try to discuss all relative sources which are used for recruitment in SQUARE. 1. Internal source SQUARE textiles Ltd. thinks that current employees are a major source of recruits for all but entry-level positions. Whether for promotions or for ‘Lateral’ job transfers, internal candidates already know the informal organization and have detailed information about its formal policies and procedures. Promotions and transfer are typically decided by operating managers with little involvement by HR department. 1. 1Job-posting programs. 1. 2 Departing Employees 2. External source 2. 1 Walk-ins and Write-ins: 2. Employee referrals: 2. 3 Advertising Want ads describe the job and the benefits, identify the employer, and tell those who are interested how to apply . They are most familiar form of employment advertising . for highly specialist requites, ads may be placed in professional journal or out of town newspaper in areas with high concent ration of the desired skills 2. 4 Internet Now today no body thinks anything without internet. So SQUARE give their advertise at internet. Example: www. bdjobs. com www. square. bd. com 5. 0 FINANCING 5. 1. Financial Result: The Company’s operating financial results, as compared to the previous year, are summarized hereunder: Taka) (Taka) (Taka) Year 2006 Year 2005 Year 2004 Turnover 2,102,670,263 1,789,018,386 2,076,925,039 Cost of Goods Sold 1,737,055,759 1,500,281,590 1,676,690,068 Gross Profit 365,614,504 288,736,796 400,234,971 Operating Financial Expenses 175,524,220 197,835,510 217,687,872 Operating Income 190,090,284 90,901,286 182,547,099 Other Income 225,844 663,215 912,083 Net profit Before WPPF 190,316,128 91,564,501 1,83,459,182 Contribution To WPPF 9,062,673 4,360,214 8,736,152 Net Profit (BT) 181,253,455 87,204,287 1,74,723,030 Provision for Income Tax 13,359,728 5,751,104 Net Profit (AT) 167,893,727 81,453,273 174,723,030 Gross Margin 17. 39% 16. 4% 19. 27% Net Margin 7. 98% 4. 55% 8. 41% Earning per Share (EPS) 6. 67 3. 23 6. 94 Outstanding Shares 25,190,000 25,190,000 25,190,000 Face value Per share (TK) 10 10 10 The gross margin rose to 17. 39% from the level of 16. 14% in 2006. As the operating financial expenses declined , net margin also rose 4. 55% in 2005 to 7. 98% in 2006. 6. SWOT ANALYSIS: SWOT analysis means the analysis of strength , weakness, opportunity and threats . For Square Textiles Ltd. It is given below: 6. 1 Strength: Square Textiles Ltd. Is a rapidly expending Company . Standing its journey in 1998 it has already doubled the net turnover by the year of 2006. All the units of the factory enjoy highly of machinery are imported from Germany, Switzerland , Italy japan . As a result it can maintain a smooth rate of production 6. 2 Weakness: There are too many departments under the super vision of the general manager which can cause low productivity due to large span of super vision. 6. 3 Opportunity: There are bright opportunities for the Company in the overseas market . If is can communicate well and capture a significant market portion in the Europe and USA market, it can get scale of economic. 7. 0 CONCLUSION: The flourishment of any industry requires combined efforts and co-operation from several parties . Social , political and macro economic environment play pivotal role in this regard . Though Square Textile is a newly Ventured Company in the respective sector, its growth and expansion is praiseworthy. Its contributing the country and serving the nation in different ways. If it can up hold its much toward advancement, it will be able to set a role model in our country.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

English Essays (1000 words) - Invisibility In Fiction, The Tempest

English Review of Shakespear's "The Tempest" Why is it that people fawn Shakespeare and have unreasonably high reguard for his works, including The Tempest, and label them as"immortal classics"? Indeed Shakespeare's works had great significance in the evolution of English literature, but these works, including The Tempest are mostly devoid of significance and literary value in the present day. One can expect to gain little educational benefit of the english language or hightened apreciation for fine literature from the reading of Shakespeare's titles for reasons enumerate. First of all, the colorful and sophisticated metephoric vernacular style of the language utilized is archaic; even the speech of intellectually refined individuals and other respected literary works do not imploy of this rich style of speech. The poemic composition of The Tempest does not increase one's ability to apreciate distinguished literature because the refined and respected works of most other classical writers are in novel form and thus differ highly from Shakesperian works in the literary devices and mannerisms from which they are comprised. The Tempest was written in early seventeeth century England. At this period of history and country the English language was quite different from what it is today in many ways. First, standard, formal vocabulary was different at this time. An great expample is found in the line " bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog!" (act 1 sc. 1, p. 9). In this line, the word incharitable is the modern equivalent of the word uncharitable. The standard dictionary word has changed prefixes somewhere througout the centuries. Another thing that would have made a further gap between the vernacular in the play and modern English is Shakespeare's deployment of common language, or slang (although I have no proof because I don't speak sixteenth century slang). "A pox o' your throught..." (act 1 sc.1, p. 9) and "...give o'er..." (act 1 sc. 1, p. 9). These phrases seem to be slang therms because they are so deviant from there modern english equvalents, "curses on" and "give up", respectiveley. What value does learning the archaic vernacular give to the reader. Surely it does not increase thier word power or sophisticate thier vocabulary, for nowhere, not even in among people of high intellecutal refinement such as venerable college professers, is this dead language used. Another distinctive trait of the vernacular used in The Tempest is the heavy use of metaphor. This use of metaphor is so heavy and outlandish that it becomes extrodinarily difficult to interpret and causes the words to fall into chaotic ambiguity. In fact, it is not unreasonable to define the language of the text as sophistry. A great example of heavy metaphor in The Tempest is the line "O heaven , O earth, bear witness to this sound, / and crown what I profess with kind event / If I speak true; if hollowly, invert / What best is boded me to mischief. I, / Beyond all limit of what else I' th' world, / Do love, prize honor you" (Act 3 sc. 1, p. 95). In modern terms, this means: "Lord, bear witness to what I say, and bless my claim (to this woman). Let me be damned if I lie when I say that I love honor, prize and honor you above anything else in the world." The learning of this type of heavy usage of metaphor would be justified if it were imployed in many other respected classic works or in modern eloquent speech, but it is not. Metaphoric speech outside of literature and informal speech is reguarded as crude and unsophisticated in modern speech. This is so because people have come to reguard refined speech as being characteristic with the use of a large vocabulary consisting of consise and sophisticated words. Even if the argument is made that one cannot gain much benefit in refining their speech by reading The Tempest, Shakespeare aficianados claim that there is value in the mechanics and devices common in literature which can be learned from his works. This is exaggerated, however. The most valuble literary device that can be learned from The Tempest is the metaphor. However, as I said before, Shakespeare over uses this so much that his words fall into sophistry. A good example is the line "Or that there were such men / Whose head stood in their breasts?" (act 3 sc. 3, p.113). I can make no sense out of this whatsoever. Another outlandish metaphor is "Which now we find / Each putter-out of five for one will bring us / Good warrant of" (act 3 sc. 3, p.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Understanding the Fifth Amendments Protections

Understanding the Fifth Amendments Protections The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, as a provision of the Bill of Rights, enumerates several of the most important protections of persons accused of crimes under the American criminal justice system. These protections include: Protection from being prosecuted for crimes unless first legally indicted by a Grand Jury.Protection from â€Å"double jeopardy† - being prosecuted more than once for the same criminal act.Protection from â€Å"self-incrimination† - being forced to testify or provide evidence against one’s self.Protection against being deprived of life, liberty, or property without â€Å"due process of law† or just compensation. The Fifth Amendment, as part of the original 12 provisions of the Bill of Rights, was submitted to the states by Congress on September 25, 1789, and was ratified on December 15, 1791. The complete text of the Fifth Amendment states: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Indictment By a Grand Jury Nobody can be forced to stand trial for a serious (â€Å"capital, or otherwise infamous†) crime, except in a military court or during declared wars, without having first been indicted - or formally charged - by a grand jury. The grand jury indictment clause of the Fifth Amendment has never been interpreted by the courts as applying under the â€Å"due process of law† doctrine of the Fourteenth Amendment, meaning that it applies only to felony charges filed in the federal courts. While several states have grand juries, defendants in state criminal courts do not have a Fifth Amendment right to indictment by a grand jury.    Double Jeopardy The Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment mandates that defendants, once acquitted of a certain charge, may not be tried again for the same offense at the same jurisdictional level. Defendants may be tried again if the previous trial ended in a mistrial or hung jury, if there is evidence of fraud in the previous trial, or if the charges are not precisely the same - for example, the Los Angeles police officers who were accused of beating Rodney King, after being acquitted on state charges, were convicted on federal charges for the same offense. Specifically, the Double Jeopardy Clause applies to subsequent prosecution after acquittals, after convictions, after certain mistrials, and in cases of multiple charges included in the same Grand Jury indictment. Self Incrimination The best-known clause in the 5th Amendment (â€Å"No person ... shall be compelled in a criminal case to be a witness against himself†) protects suspects from forced self-incrimination. When suspects invoke their Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, this is referred to in the vernacular as â€Å"pleading the Fifth.† While judges always instruct jurors that pleading the Fifth should never be taken as a sign or tacit admission of guilt, television courtroom dramas generally portray it as such. Just because suspects have  Fifth Amendment  rights against self-incrimination  does not mean that they  know  about those rights. Police  have often used, and sometimes still use, a suspects ignorance regarding his or her own civil rights to build a case. This all changed with  Miranda v. Arizona  (1966), the  Supreme Court  case that created the statement officers are now required to issue upon arrest beginning with the words You have the right to remain silent... Property Rights and the Takings Clause The last clause of the Fifth Amendment, known as the Takings Clause, protects the peoples’ basic property rights by banning federal, state and local governments from taking privately owned property for public use under their rights of eminent domain without offering the owners â€Å"just compensation.† However, the U.S.  Supreme Court, through its controversial 2005 decision in the case of Kelo v. New London weakened the Takings Clause by ruling that cities could claim private property under eminent domain for purely economic, rather than public purposes, like schools, freeways or bridges. Updated by Robert Longley

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customer Relationship Management in the University Essay

Customer Relationship Management in the University - Essay Example There are frequent meetings that are always held to ensure that emerging issues are solved amicably to avoid problems that may arise between the organization and the students.The university leadership is always keen on the needs of the students and quick decision-making on matters that affect both students and the staffs is always a priority. The customer relationship management applied in the university provides the opportunity to develop and preserve the relationship between the students and the rest of stakeholders of the university. The application of CRM has made the university to be unique and emerged the best among its competitors. Sharing of helpful information with the students on how the institution can nurture and place us for victory in the coming days is important to all students.The frequent communication with parents concerning students’ performance is also another way that my university implements customer relationship management. The outcome of the communicati on has been positive since students are retained while many are recruited. Apart from communicating with parents, the university is also in frequent contact with the alumnae that has enable the institution get donations from different donors, hence the continuous development of the university. The rules and regulations of the University have been given to students to ensure that all students follow the policies of the institution. There are better ways that the university applies in disciplining the students with indiscipline cases.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Agency theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Agency theory - Essay Example Freeman states that stakeholder concept is about management, and it mirrors and guides how managers function rather than chiefly addressing management and economists’ theories (1994). Freeman states two key enquiries of the stakeholder concept in his article. The first query is the aim of the corporation. This is useful and helpful for managers in the 21st century. Managers, by determining the purpose of the firm, can state the share’s responsiveness for the value they create. Managers can also determine what brings the key stakeholders together. Furthermore, this challenges the firm to establish sound performance through considering its goals and market fiscal metrics. The other question enquired in the shareholder concept is what accountability management has to shareholders. These aid managers to understand how they plan to carry out business. Predominantly, they look for a suitable kind of association with shareholders to attain their own welfares. The fundamental o f shareholder theory’s economic importance is that great numbers of persons come and function together to enhance their situation, in conformity with the central modern economic realisms. To urge more and more workforces to perform their finest for the corporations, it is essential and vital for supervisors to develop relations and create effective communication with shareholders. It is broadly accepted that stockholder is a significant party within the firm and his or her interests are a dire characteristic.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Kant and Mill Ideologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kant and Mill Ideologies - Essay Example Indeed, Mill claims that people should value the principle of utility as a tool that derives secondary moral principles, which promote general happiness. The fundamental principle of morality means that happiness is intended pleasure and absence of pain where right actions promote happiness while wrong actions produce the reverse of happiness, which is unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure. As such, we can judge people’s actions based on the secondary principles, which promote general happiness. On the other hand, Immanuel Kant defines the fundamental principle of morality as the Categorical Imperative which basis moral requirements on a standard of rationality. He refers to the fundamental principle of morality as the law of an autonomous will where moral reasons are supreme to any other reason. Ideally, one formulation of Kant’s Categorical Imperative encourages individuals to act on a motivational thought that one can consistently urge the society to adopt as a universal law as it will derive equal worth and equal respect. Notably, the Mill and Kant's fundamental principle of morality differ. Indeed, Mill abhors the utilitarian, which defines general happiness as a secondary moral principle that refers to happiness as intended pleasure and absence of pain, while Kant defines moral requirements and moral worthiness as acts of good will.... Indeed, Will objects to the idea that pleasure is the only good, it is the highest good, and it is universal (Booher 1). He claims that there are things that people consider and that there are differences in quantity and qualities of pleasure where certain pleasures are more desirable and valuable than others in relation to moral deliberations (Booher 1). Notably, Mill’s objection to the argument against utilitarianism should reckon the distinct value that pleasures attract with higher pleasures having more value than lower pleasures. It should also distinguish between the quantity and quality of pleasure as well as favor some activities as being better than others are. More so, his argument should address the problems that relate to differentiating quantities and qualities of pleasure. Ideally, Mill's account of higher pleasures answers the objection by demonstrating that certain pleasures are better and valuable than others (Booher 1). It also negates the idea that pleasure is highest natural good and confirms that higher pleasure is the basic principle of ethics, and the foundation of morality. According to Mill, human beings are different from non-human animals in a morally interesting way. Ideally, Mil noted that animals are irrational and are not self-aware or did not have cognitive capabilities as human beings. As such, he established that human beings are different from animals because human beings can experience mental pleasures and interestingly prefer mental pleasure to body pleasures (â€Å"John Start Mill† 1). He supports this by asserting that individuals who enjoy all pleasures qualify as the only judges who equally crave for mental pleasures.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Emotional Intelligence And Leaderships

Emotional Intelligence And Leaderships This essay discusses how emotional intelligence can affect leadership, through the fundamental function of decision making process, and lead to organisational effectiveness. For this purpose, Golemans, Boyatzis et al.s (2002) four key elements of emotional intelligence are employed, which are classified into twenty self and social focused competencies. A number of practical applications are described, explaining how emotional skills can affect leaders ability to achieve the desired outcome during the decision making process. We concluded that organisational effectiveness can benefit from the application of emotional intelligence on leadership skills, through the decision making process. Finally, we note some limitations such as the level of emotional intelligence and its accurate measurement. Keywords Emotional intelligence, leadership, decision making process Introduction Emotional intelligence was first introduced in the late 1980s (Mayer, Roberts, Barsade, 2008). Yet, one of the most controversial issues is how emotional intelligence as the new form of intelligence that concerns the interaction of thinking and feeling, can be employed on leadership and subsequently on organisational effectiveness (Goleman, 1998). There are several definitions and conceptions about leadership and its effectiveness. Until the 1980s, leadership effectiveness was measured by leaders cognitive ability to apply and develop effective strategies for complicated problem solving (Woods West, 2010). However, the last three decades leadership effectiveness due to its apparent social aspect is measured by leaders capability to influence, inspire and motivate followers. (Woods West, 2010). After further research, emotional intelligence evolved into a popular and useful tool for enhancing leadership effectiveness (Kerr, Garvin, Heaton, Boyle, 2006). In our essay we discuss how emotional intelligence through the application of individual and social skills on decision making process, can affect leadership efficiency and lead to organisational effectiveness (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). Given the fact that the leaders decisions play a central role in the organisational viability (Woods West, 2010), we consider that the implementation of emotional intelligence resources to the decision making process can contribute notably to the increase of organisational efficacy. Emotional intelligence The term of emotional intelligence was first formally introduced into academic literature in the decade of 1990 by Salovey and Mayer (Kerr, Garvin, Heaton, Boyle, 2006). Emotional intelligence is considered to be a dual dimensional theory that is focused on peoples self and social skills. That means that emotional intelligence concerns the humans ability of having an effective command of expressing, evaluating, managing emotions, communicating feelings and generating thought applied on individual and relationship based level (Salovey Mayer, 1990). It can be classified in two broad models: the ability based model and the mixed model. The ability model involves the abilities of conceiving and recognising the emotions, facilitating thoughts, understanding complex emotions and managing them (Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, 2000). Emotional intelligence links emotions and intelligence to someones perception for understanding the social environment (Grewal Salovey, 2005). Specifically: Emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotion; the ability to access and/or generate feelings when they facilitate thought; the ability to understand emotion and emotional knowledge; and the ability to understand emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth (Mayer Salovey, 1997). The four branch model as mentioned above, links hierarchically the basic process of conceiving emotions to the advanced level of understanding them and is measured by MSCEIT [Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional intelligence Test; (Mayer, Caruso, Salovey, Sitarenios, 2003)]. Goleman (1995) introduced the mixed model of emotional intelligence that involves non innate talents but learnt competencies that significantly affect job performance (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). This kind of model mainly addresses leaders performance and provides dynamic outlines for becoming an effective leader. According to Goleman (2001) and Boyatzis et al (2000) the basic elements of the mixed model of emotional intelligence consist of self focused and social focused competencies. These are: self awareness, self management, social awareness and relationship management (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). Self awareness involves emotional self awareness, accurate self assessment and self confidence. The emotional self awareness is referred to the fact that someone is fully aware of his/her feelings and realise their impact. The accurate self assessment involves the knowledge of strengths and weaknesses and how they can be eliminated through gradual improvement. A highly self confident person is aware of his/her abilities, expressing strong confidence and being able to deal with difficult tasks (Goleman, Boyatzis, McKee, 2002). Moreover, the group of self focused competencies includes self management capabilities that concern emotional self control, transparency, adaptability, achievement, initiative and optimism. The emotional self control is referred to ones ability to setting impulsive emotions under control, while the transparency is associated with integrity and honesty. The adaptability entails flexibility and the ability to easily adjust to spontaneous changes, whereas achievement concerns the fulfillment of goals and targets. The initiative concerns ones ability to act alone holding responsibility for the consequences of his/her actions; the optimism entails seeing the positive aspect of the events and the future facts that might take place (Goleman, Boyatzis, McKee, 2002). The social focused competencies i.e. social awareness and relationship management determine the manner of managing followers. The social awareness includes empathy which means understanding ones concerns and emotional situation, organisational effectiveness which is referred to the efficiency of meeting organisational goals and service which has to do with the comprehension of followers requirements. The relationship management involves inspiration (generating motivations to the followers), influence, developing others (improving ones capabilities), change catalyst (leading an entirely new and innovative modification), conflict management (how to manage disagreements), building bonds (the ability of socialising and developing a network of new relationships) and teamwork (effective collaboration and co existence within the group) (Goleman, Boyatzis, McKee, 2002). Leadership and Emotional intelligence According to House et al (1999):Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organizationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Yukl, 2006). Some theorists argue that leadership is adjusted according to organisational environment and aims. Hersey and Blanchard (1982) claim, different situations require different kinds of leadership (Situational Theory of Leadership). On the other hand, Fiedlers Contingency Theory (1967) suggests that leadership effectiveness depends on the place, the time, the task and the situation (Arnold, Randal, al, 2010). In any case leadership through its dynamic dimension provides guidelines that can promote organisational effectiveness. By this term, it is meant profitability in financial terms, or organisations ability to equip employees with those skills necessary for performing business fully engaged with the organisational culture (Woods West, 2010). A leaders effectiveness depends on the manner of developing and enhancing followers skills and abilities. Personality characteristics in themselves do not make leaders inherently effective. What matters is how those characteristics are expressed to leaders behavior, and how that behavior is understood by others (Woods West, 2010). The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), the worldwide known Work and Organisational Psychology Organisation, conducts research on what is effective leadership by highlighting the factors that lead to failure (derailing). Its study showed that even though there are common traits between those who succeeded and those who failed, certain characteristics seemed similar for their imminent failure. For example, managers promotion from lower levels of the organisation to upper ones, might lead to over-confident behavior (Woods West, 2010). At the organisational level, leadership is considered to be a mixture of behaviors, administrative abilities, traits and interactions that are driven by the circumstances and the organisational culture; the link among various departments in an organisation managed by the leader (Woods West, 2010). Considerable evidences in recent years note that social skills are vital for leadership performance (Prati, Ceasar, Ferris, Ammeter, Buckley, 2003). An efficiently oriented leader takes advantage of emotional skills and resources in terms of interaction, in order to achieve the optimal performance outcome (Wong Law, 2002). The emotional skills concern the social aspect of emotional intelligence during the interaction process (Riggio Reichard, 2008). Under these circumstances, leaderships outcome is considerably affected by a leaders ability to recognise and manage followers emotions in social interaction (George, 2000). This argument is supported by Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2002) wh o claim that emotional intelligence is fundamental for leadership effectiveness and specifically when it is applied on teams. Antonakis et al (2009) claim that leadership effectiveness is strongly linked to emotional intelligence when concerns the relationship development between the followers and the leader (Antonakis, Ashkanasy, Dasborough, 2009). Since leadership is considered an emotional process, the level of emotional intelligence in a leader plays a significant role in the effectiveness of social interaction with others. George J.M. (2000) in her article Emotions and leadership: The role of Emotional intelligence underlines that there are five basic elements of leadership that are positively correlated with the level of emotional intelligence. The five key elements of effective leadership as presented by the authors Conger Kanungo (1998), Lock (1991), Yukl (1998) are the following: Development of collective goals and objectives. Instilling in others a sense of appreciation and importance of work. Generating and maintaining enthusiasm, confidence, optimism, cooperation, and trust. Encouragement of decision making and change. Establishing and maintaining meaningful identity for the organisation. (George, 2000) Emotional intelligence is the spark that ignites a companys performance creating a bonfire of success or a landscape of ashes. (Goleman, Boyatzis, McKee, 2002). There has been research on the correlation between the level of emotional intelligence and the leadership effectiveness; results showed that ones level of emotional intelligence might play an important role to the leadership effectiveness (Kerr, Garvin, Heaton, Boyle, 2006). However, it is doubtful whether the ability to understand emotions and the ability to act effectively are inextricably linked or not (Kerr, Garvin, Heaton, Boyle, 2006). According to Rosete and Ciarrochi (2005), the higher level of emotional intelligence, the higher leadership effectiveness (Kerr, Garvin, Heaton, Boyle, 2006). Leaders with high level of emotional intelligence inspire, generate motivation to the followers and state greater job satisfaction (Scott-Ladd Chan, 2004). Emotional intelligence and decision making process It is common knowledge that organisations consist of several departments that interact in order to perform business. Koop (1995) claims that this interaction is managed by the decision makers (leaders) (Scott-Ladd Chan, 2004). Under these circumstances, we realise the importance of the decision making process and the impact of their outcomes on organisational effectiveness. The decision making process is classified in the following stages according to Simon (1986) Langley (1989): Rational economic model Definition of the issue. Identification of limiting factors (external and internal). Plan and development of potential alternatives. Evaluation of each alternative in terms of practicality and cost. Selection of the best alternative. Implementation of decision. (Huczynski Buchanan, 2007) The decision making process involves the decision maker and those that are affected by the decision. The decision maker is essential to take into account the people affected by the decision and determine an effective manner of interpreting it (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). Subsequently, the decision maker is required to make use of rationality and logic as well as of emotions. However, a controversial issue has been raised by some researchers. This is due to the fact that they consider that the best decisions are made in the absence of emotions. According to Stanovich and West (2000), the shift from emotional thinking to rationality can entail better decisions. They suggested that emotional functions may be substituted and replaced by logic in the aim of enhancing the quality of decisions. By contrast, others claim that the ability to have a good command of ones emotions is an advantage for the decision maker (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). Actually, there is no wrong perception of the key factors of the decision making process. What matters most, is to take into consideration the possible impact that emotions might have on the decision making process and the quality of decisions (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). Research on emotional intelligence and decision making process Sevdalis et al (2007) in the article Trait emotional intelligence and decision related emotions explain that emotions are evident during the decision making process (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). They suggest that differences in trait emotional self-efficacy can affect the way the individuals experience the impact of the decision (Sevdalis, Petrides, Harvey, 2007). Also, Mellers et al (1999) concluded that the emotions people experience from the impact of a decision, can affect their future attitude and behavior (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). Winter and Kuiper (1997) underlined that every person has a different perception of the emotions experienced whereas, Jordan and Troth (2004) noted that there is a significant difference on the effectiveness of emotional intelligence when the decision making process concerns individual or team tasks accordingly (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). They concluded that individuals with high level of emotional intelligence as members of a team are more likely to come up with better solutions, without the fear of making mistakes (Frye, Bennett, Caldwell, 2006). Studies in PDM (participation in decision making process) have shown that emotionally intelligent employees who are involved in the decision making process contribute to organisations effective response to continuous changes. But, organizations are supposed to clarify to the employees the reason, the way and the degree of their participation in the decision making process resulting in greater commitment and benefits for both employee and employers. Nevertheless, the clear definition of boundaries in the participation of decision making process improves the quality of decision outcomes which depends either on the purpose for implementing PDM or on how efficiently it is implemented (Scott-Ladd Chan, 2004). The contribution and application of emotional competencies to leaders as decision makers Since the decision making process involves stages that are addressed both to brain and emotional function, it is necessary to understand the impact of the application of emotional intelligence on decision makers and the potential outcome. According to Hess Bacigalupo, (2011) no considerable research has been conducted for the practical interaction between behavior and emotional intelligence during the decision making process on both individual and group basis. In their paper, they develop a methodology based on a number of practical applications of emotional intelligence skills on the decision making process that could be useful and beneficial for individuals and organizations development. For this purpose, the model of Goleman (2001) and Boyatzis et al (2000) is applied, as it concerns individual and interpersonal skills, which are both crucial and determinative for the decision making process (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). The group of the skills mentioned, involves self awareness, sel f management, social awareness and relationship management (Goleman, Boyatzis, McKee, 2002). In the organisational environment, the leader plays the role of the decision maker. Taking advantage of the competencies of emotional intelligence, the possibilities for making an effective decision are increased. The individuals skills i.e. self awareness and self management enable the leader (decision maker) to acknowledge his/her weaknesses, recognise the possible influence that can have on the followers and boost his/her confidence. Why is this so important? Because, it helps the leader to foresee the different aspects of followers vision as well as their reactions and communicate effectively the decision (Goleman, Boyatzis, McKee, 2002). Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1958) claimed that leaders and followers share control during the decision making process that is based on the assumptions they have formed for the amount of control they possess (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). A strongly efficient leader is supposed to achieve balance during the decision making process; he/she should guide th e discussion appropriately, act as a consultant encouraging the information exchange and the increase of comprehension as well. At this stage, emotional intelligence competencies can be applied, so that the leader can regulate the allocation of control among the parties creating a climate of cohesion. Though, emotional intelligence application is as important as in the case of sharing responsibility for inappropriate decisions. An emotional intelligent leader not only welcomes the commendations of good decisions but also holds responsible for bad decisions (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). This reinforces leaders integrity and reliability, necessary elements for establishing a climate of trust and honesty in an organisation. Moreover, through the self control the leader can develop the skill of controlling emotions and impulses i.e. stress tolerance, which derive from time pressure and unexpected changes in the organisational environment. The ability to manage time pressure and suppress neg ative emotions is considered of utmost importance, as it enables leaders to establish the appropriate climate for making decisions and avoid misjudgments that can have an adverse impact on organisational effectiveness (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011; Goleman,Boyatzis et al, 2002). Likewise, emotional social focused skills i.e. empathy, organisational awareness, conflict management, change catalyst, teamwork and others, are highly important when they are implemented by the leader in an attempt to achieve effective consensus of team decision making. On the grounds that most times the decision is addressed on employees, with different values and beliefs, the leader should be able to manage diversity through the skills of empathy and conflict management. Furthermore, organisational awareness enables a leader as a decision maker, to make decisions that comply with the organisational status and determine the appropriate processes. On the basis of service orientation, decisions that are related to the customers needs and satisfaction are highly appreciated within the organisational environment and add value (profitability) to the image of the organisation. Last but not least, the decision making process involves active participation and constant interaction among me mbers; emotionally intelligent leaders taking advantage of this fact can not only enhance the quality of teamwork and promote relationship development, but also ignite and stimulate followers initiative, motivation and commitment (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011; Goleman,Boyatzis et al, 2002). Conclusion In conclusion, the leader through the application of emotional intelligence can empower followers and establish cohesion among them during the decision making process. This allows to the leader to improve the quality of decision making process increasing the organisations potential for effectiveness (Hess Bacigalupo, 2011). However, we should not overlook a range of factors that can limit emotional intelligence efficiency on organisational basis; queries such as Can emotional intelligence affect negatively the organisational effectiveness if it is excessively high? or Could it be accurately measured? (Fiori Antonakis, 2011) are considered to be crucial and part of future further research on emotional intelligence.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

the cathedral :: essays research papers

At a glance Carver’s writing style of the â€Å"Cathedral† seems simple but after further interpretation of the story one realizes that the â€Å"Cathedral† is about the interactions and epiphanies that regular people have that changes their entire life. This idea is perfectly represented at the end of the â€Å"Cathedral†, throughout the story the husband knew nothing about blind people and wondered how can they live their life without being able to see. He continually made references to the effect of how can he be married and not be able to see his wife, if she had makeup purple slacks and so on he would never know. At the end of the story the husband became closer to the blind man through the drawing exercise and when he asked him to close his eyes so the husband was able to â€Å"see† things as the blind man saw them he realized that being blind wasn’t that bad it was just a different type of life style. Because Carver writes about simpl e commonplace situations this makes the story more affective to the average person. Topics such as loss and drug and alcohol use are things that almost everyone can relate to because it affects almost everyone’s life in one facet or another. Because this is the concentration of Carvers story it allows more people enjoy and relate to the stories; this also leaves the story for more personal interpretation. Each person has their own thoughts about drugs, alcohol and loss and because of these feeling the interpretation of the story is left up to the reader. The husband was amazed at the blind mans ability to smoke a cigarette and eat food as well as he was able to. These are all commonplace objects and task that many people would believe that the blind would have trouble with, but this stereotype was quickly done away with once they began to eat and smoke. Carver is defiantly an optimist, he believes in the ability for people to change and be more acceptable of people that are different, and disabled.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Archetype “Cinderella” and “Rough-Faced Girl” Comparison Essay

Throughout Native American culture, they have always used everything and not waste anything. For example if they hunt a buffalo, the Indians make sure everything from the buffalo is used. They use the skin for clothing, bones for tools, and meat for food. Everyone is equal except the wise old men and the shaman. Native Americans use the nature to guide them through the day. They know the meaning of respect and never rebelled against authority. Indians never cared how their clothing looks to their peers; they always wore what was given to them. The American culture of the 1950s is the exact opposite of the Native Americans. The years after World War Two were generally prosper and stable for the middle-class Caucasian. The United States manage to turn the post war into a consumers culture with a snap of a finger. During immediate boom of consumerism, suburbs, and economy it overshadowed the some poverty. This rising prosperity didnt apply to everyone. During this time everyone was obsessed with consumer goods such as automobiles, television, stereos, dishwasher, etc. There was subculture of greasers that originated in the 1950s. They tend to own expensive classical hot rod and motorcycles. Greasers tend to be very conscious about their appearance. They wear leather jackets and comb back their hair with an abundance of hair wax. Rock and roll is the music of choice for Greasers. These two comparisons are very similar to Cinderella and the Rough-Faced Girl. There are major differences between the Disneys Cinderella and the Rough-Faced Girl. In the Rough-Face Girl, it describes his society and its surrounding with a prominence on Nature, not on affluence by possessions. Pictures of the sun, moon, stars, plants, trees, and animals are painted in the wigwams showing what the Invisible Being finds significant in his village. The Disney version everyone is consumed with wearing the extravagant dresses and jewelry. The fairy godmother did her magic and changed her tattered clothes into an elegant dress. Oochigeaskw is brave when she walked into the wilderness and made clothes from the accessories of the forest. Every girl that wanted to marry the Invisible Being wore pleasant clothes to impress his sister. The sister of the Invisible Being was too smart for that. She wanted someone that can see past the clothes and appreciate themselves. A carriage was created from a pumpkin by the godmother. It was made to take  Cinderella to the princes Ball. However, Oochigeaskw had to walk for miles to get to the Invisible mans cabin. In the Disneys version of Cinderella, the prince was intrigued by the glass slipper and went looking for the person that fits it. There was no such thing in the Rough-Faced Girl because it dealt with knowledge one possesses. Disneys version of Cinderella is related to the developed nations society because people base their decision for a companion with exaggerated expectations. Usually monarchies in Europe have this kind of attitude towards marriage. They want their children to marriage into another royal house to keep the power within their grasp. They frown upon the lower class. In England, the queen was obviously upset when Charles married Diana. She was a kindergarten teacher and from the lower class. The Rough-Faced Girl is related to countries that practice arrange marriages because it is about the well-being of the family than the artificial aspiration to live a better life. The Rough-Face Girl, Oochigeaskw saw the remarkable beauty of the earth and skies spreading unlike all the other villagers. This obviously shows how she also appreciates nature through the beautiful qualities. Oochigeaskw did not need any kind of magic such as the fairy godmother to ask the Invisible Being to wed her. In this particular tale, the assessment of knowledge is based on the wisdom of the Invisible Being. The Invisible Beings sister tests the women by asking three questions about the Invisible Being. The subject of these questions is essential because it shows his values based on wisdom rather than superficial looks. The first question is to see if the women are honest. The two sisters of Oochigeaskw lied to the Invisible Beings sister when she asked them â€Å"Do you see him?† Oochigeaskw tells the sister the truth by saying I do indeed. Then the sister of the Invisible Being asks what is his sled-string? Oochigeaskw said it is the rainbow. Finally the last questio n was what is his bow-string? It is the Spirits Road-the Milky way answered Oochigeaskw. The essence of these questions and their related answers are based on Nature. The individual must be intelligent and have the wisdom to appreciate the earth as a gift without taking advantage of it. This was a reasonable test based on what is inside the heart of the individual to see if she is good by the natures results. The sister of the Invisible Being is a decent moderator this because she had  to go through many women to find her brother a wife. She judged the women on their wisdom to see inner beauty and not the exterior of the person. Basically the Invisible Being uses his judgment to choose his mate by not using beauty. It continues as Oochigeaskw takes a bath in the lake and transforms back to her old self knowing that she will get married to the one and only Invisible Being. That change and recognition of her beauty is only stressed after the test and not before. The marriage between Oochigeaskw and Invisible being is based on her inner beauty and wisdom. However, in the Disney version of Cinderella illustrates how beauty depends on the exterior. For example, Cinderella is much more beautiful than her stepsisters. The prince judges beauty on the size of a womans foot. There is always the fairy godmother to make everything pleasing to the eye. The United States society has a hard time seeing people for their uniqueness; however we prefer if everyone was bundle together by similar quality. These standards are not only normal, but enviable by most people. Personality and intelligence is overridden by beauty in the tale. That is another example of the way society has portrayed women. The Native American is more intelligent than what that Europeans and other settlers think. When the European came to the US and started to destroy the natural goodness of their surroundings the Native Americans knew there will be trouble in the future. For example in the Gulf Coast, people got rid of wetlands and built houses. That ruined the natural barrier to guard against the weather such as a hurricane. Now you have seen the differences between Native American culture and the American Culture.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Catcher in the Rye - chapter analysis essays

Catcher in the Rye - chapter analysis essays English Journal The Catcher in the Rye In the two opening chapters we are introduced to Holden Caulfield and his life at Pencey High. This is all about to end due to his failure in 4/5 subjects. My initial reaction to Holdens personality was that he had a very negative view on many things happening in his life, for example the football game he was watching and the teacher Mr. Spencer. Holden also introduces his view on phonies. I find Holden to be a very depressing character that doesnt really care about life or school, this is seen when he fails an essay. However when talking with Mr. Spencer we see another side to Holdens personality when he attempts to console the teacher by saying it is him not the teaching that caused him to fail. I find it hard to grasp the actual storyline, as Holden seems to talk about many various subjects. In this chapter, I learn more about Holdens personality. He is quick to judge people, impulsive, contradictive, cynical and quite random. Holden introduces Robert Ackley, who he says is a phony moron and then describes Ward Strandler his roommate as a secret slob. I think this is a very negative way to view the people around him. Holden seems to be quick to judge people and appears quite childish for making such a fuss and taking everything so negatively. Although Holden despises Stradlater he agrees to write an English composition paper for him. I think this relates to chapter 2 when he talked with Mr. Spencer because yet again Holden is helping someone he doesnt like. This showed me that although quick to judge people, he does have some concern for others. In this chapter Jane Gallagher, and old friend to Holden, is also mentioned. I found the reaction from Holden strange because he couldnt decide whether or not to go meet and greet her. I would have expected him to gone to see his friend to at...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

War Of Roses essays

War Of Roses essays 1. The main players of the War between the Roses Henry VI became King of England at the young age of one, succeeding his father Henry V. He was incapable of following in his mighty predecessor's footsteps. Fractions in the court dominated him all his life. Margaret was the daughter of the powerful French noble Rene of Anjou, was married to Henry VI to strengthen ties with France. She was beautiful, fiery, blunt, and was a loyal friend as well as a dangerous enemy. Her blatant favoritism caused much resentment in England, and set sparks which would later flare up into the Wars of the Roses. Somerset escalated the clash between the two families enormously. He was the bastard grandson of John of Gaunt and one of the King's closest relations, who handled a great amount of power. He supported King Henry VI and the Queen during the King's breakdown. William de la Pole was a magnate of moderate power who came to exercise much control in the Lancastrian circle. Richard Plantagenet was a man of many titles and lands who was filled with a passion to raise his family to what he saw as their proper due. He was also the father of Edward IV and Richard III. His relationship with King Henry was amiable at first and his claim to the throne was considered strong enough for him to become heir to Henry VI. Salisbury staunchly stood by York at all times, even when York later endangered both of them with his arrogance. His devotion was paid back by death. Richard, the Earl of Warwick, was the most powerful noble ever seen in England. Richard was York's nephew and a firm defender of that party, continuing to fight alongside his cousin Edward after York's death. He eventually was the person who placed Edward on the throne. Edward IV, Earl of March, was handsome and skilled. He fought by his father's side during the early years of the Wars of the Roses. When his father was killed at Wakefield, he became leader of the Yorkist cause. In...

Monday, November 4, 2019

What was the most important reason for the growth of Western economic Assignment

What was the most important reason for the growth of Western economic and political power after c.1750 - Assignment Example Many scholars argue that industrialization process was the leading cause for increased economic, social and political changes in the Western. In fact, westerners experienced the tremendous ongoing growth period after 1750 epoch, which was marked as the first notable divergence time. This was the period when the westerners started experiencing increased per capita income and sustained growth across diverse regions globally. This made economies such as Asia and Eastern Europe affluent but Western Europe became prosperous than their counterparts. Therefore, this essay focuses on industrial revolution as the main reason behind increasing economic growth and political power in the western after 1750 epoch. Industrial revolution in the western that was marked by rapid economic and political changes was the main reason behind increased development in the western before the 1750s. Diverse developments sparkled by the beginning of industrialization in the earlier period created economic and p olitical changes. ... For instance, the Great Britain developed after 1750 due to political power and economic changes that was a result of industrialization (Goldstone 2000, p. 176). Many regions started experiencing new development changes especially in architecture. Emerging differences among the medieval and earlier modern religious practices also led to significant changes in the economy due to political changes that was a result of industrialization. Many economies emphasized on the significant of scientific aspects that led to new development in the western religion. The western region emphasized on the greater capacity to sustain economic growth and political development over time. Thus, they concentrated on the use of technology as well as made significant changes in the political system that led to increased democratization in the workplace. Secondly, the steady progression resulted due to trading activities, which was associated by increased infrastructural development. Many westerners advanced their commercial trade especially the European along the Atlantic shore of Africa. They were inspired by the need to find the means through East Asia in commercial activities. The Atlantic Ocean commercial activities that ultimately led to crossings to Pacific marine led to better economic development. This is because of the changes in technology, trade and global interactions that brought many countries together.  The new maritime technologies made global interactions possible; thus creating changes in the trading patterns across the globe. The slave commercial activities augmented because the European colonies in the United States relied profoundly on the slave commercial activities. Many merchants became richer through the slave trade activities as the slave trade activities were

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Non-current assets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Non-current assets - Essay Example The paper will look at two standards by the IAS, which are the IAS 16 and IAS 38 regarding non-current assets. This paper attempts to analyze the standards that IAS sets regarding accounting of non-current assets. It sets these guidelines on how organizations and companies should handle both tangible and intangible non-current assets. IAS is responsible for setting international auditing standards so that they act as guidelines for auditors and accountants to follow regarding non-current assets (Kirk, 234). Each part in the accounting profession has its own standards as a guide on how to handle it. For instance, handling plant and machinery under IAS 16 is different from dealing with intangible non-current assets under IAS 38. This creates a form of independence when dealing with various aspects in the accounting process. IAS standards on Property, plant, and equipment IAS 16 defines handling of property, plant and equipment which is different from IAS 38 which defines handling of in tangible assets in financial statements. Property, plant and equipment are all fixed tangible assets; therefore, adoption of a common method when dealing with them in the accounting process. ... The first guideline is their initial measurement which entails the initial cost and all other cost necessary to make the assets ready for use. It also includes capitalization of interest costs. The other step is the subsequent measurement of the fixed assets which entails depreciation and disposal of assets (Kirk, 234). The rule of Impairment and disposing of the assets indicates how to dispose of such assets in terms of the guidelines. Accounting standards regarding these three assets provides a guideline on how to classify long-lived assets that are held for sale and those held for use. Long-lived assets that are meant to be held for sale do not depreciate; therefore, their presentation should be separate. They should be placed separately in a statement of financial position. This is because they are not in the business for use, rather they are for sale; hence, their selling price does not fall. The accounting standards provide rules and formula regarding how to measure this type o f fixed assets (Kirk, 250). The other guideline regarding plant, property and equipment is the discontinued operations for those assets held for sale and those held for use. The impairment test and recoverability test give rules regarding recoverability of fixed assets and those that are not recoverable. There are also rules on the impairment loss on plant, property and equipment under the accounting standards. The standards provide for impairment loss that can be reversed, and that is unversed. This indicates how these types of losses are recognized when preparing financial statement (Alexander, 359). The standards also give conditions on when such losses cannot be reversed, for instance in situations where there is an increase in the fair value of plant,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

CMM-Media and Society - Discuss Pozner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CMM-Media and Society - Discuss Pozner - Essay Example Since women are called the jealous gender, they are also given the title of being untrustworthy. And all this is simply a result of television shows making up our minds for us. We regularly watch such shows where women are shown trying to steal other women’s boyfriends and husbands; where they are competing with their own gender and planning against them; where they are trying to harm other women and getting a weird kind of satisfaction through it. And the reason behind television portraying such a view of women is that these kinds of shows are more popular among those who have nothing better to do than pass time. Besides, it serves as comedy and entertainment shows for the less intellectuals. Again, it is mainly about ratings and where there is a catfight there will be bound to be an audience for it. Such has become the mentality of our people and the television takes full advantage of

Monday, October 28, 2019

English essay part one Essay Example for Free

English essay part one Essay In this essay I am going to explain how Conan Doyle adds tension and suspense to The Adventure of the Speckled Band I will be discussing descriptions of the setting and characters also the language he uses, I will also look into the time period it was written. Sherlock Holmes was written during the Victorian era. This was a time in London when there was much crime and poverty, London was a vile and dangerous place. Victorian people greatly feared crime with Jack the Ripper on the loose, the police couldnt catch him because their methods were inefficient and many officers were corrupt. Victorians resented the police in London because they did not appear to be protecting the public. In 1887 Arthur Conan Doyle created, Sherlock Holmes, Victorians immediately fell for the fictional character. They liked him because he cracked every case and always got the bad guy. He was seen as the perfect detective. When Doyle tried to kill off his famous character, in 1893, he received death threats warning him to keep Holmes alive! Even know over 100 years on from Holmes birth in 1887 he is still popular. The story is called The Adventure of the Speckled Band. it starts with a frightened Helen stoner telling the story of her sister Julia stoner, and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her death and her concerns for her own life. Sherlock Holmes investigates and finds that Julia had been murdered by Dr. Roylott who was trying to kill Helen as well, but before Holmes could catch Dr. Roylott, the snake that he was using to try and kill the two girls, turns on him and he gets bitten and killed by it. The setting adds tension to the story because they create a spooky atmosphere, it does this in many ways, like in the description that Helen Stoner gives of Stoke Moran Manor, she says Indian animals wonder freely over his grounds and are feared by the villagers this gives the impression that he doesnt want anyone on his property. When the reader learns that Vagabonds. encamp in the grounds this causes tension because they are another suspect and it makes the reader wonder why he does not want others on the grounds. The reader feels intrigued when Helen Stoner says we had no feeling of security unless our doors were locked because, for most people, their home is the safest place in the world but Helen needs her door locked to feel safe. When the night is described as being A wild night. The wind was howling out side and the rain was beating this creates anticipation because something always happens during a storm, this is called pathetic fallacy. The description windows blocked by old-fashioned shutters with broad iron bars. makes it sound as if Helen is a prisoner and Dr. Roylott is like a guard, and a prison is designed so, no one can get in or more importantly no one can get out. The description of Stoke Moran as a building of grey.. stone with.. two curving wings link the claws of a crab uses a simile create the feeling that the house is alive and closing in on its occupants. The words gathering darkness makes it sound as if the darkness is alive and trying to consume everything How does Conan Doyle create tension and suspense in The Adventure of the Speckled Band?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Emerging Themes In A Country Doctor English Literature Essay

Emerging Themes In A Country Doctor English Literature Essay A Country Doctor is a short story written by Franz Kafka (1883-1924), a Polish Jew renowned for his distinctive literature. It is the story of a rural doctor who is called upon to attend to a patient in circumstances of perfect difficulty-deep in the night, amid a severe snowstorm, to travel ten miles when he has lately lost to the cold the life of his horse that draws his carriage. His maids efforts to search around for a borrowed horse are fruitless-as the doctor himself anticipates. Acting in frustration he kicks open an old disused pigsty, and from it proceeds help: a groom and two horses to his aid-or so he believes-only for the groom to set him up for the journey and then unexpectedly remain to embark on fulfilling his violent lust on the doctors defenceless maid, as he has wickedly proclaimed intent. The doctor arrives in no time and is briskly shown to the patient, who immediately makes his desire to die privately known to the doctor, causing this journey to reveal itself to the doctor as an exercise in futility, especially as he recollects the desperate situation he has left his maid in on account of his own imprudent departure, and as he initially fails to see what is ailing the invalid youth. He rejects the old hosts courtesy of a drink of rum offered, feigning attention to the patients case in spite of his foregone conclusion. It soon becomes clear that he plans to leave the young man unattended, but amid all the unease this realisation causes on the hosts, he is helped by a maidens holding of a bloody cloth to see the patients wound near his hip-a festering ugly rose-like wound with large worms wriggling inside. The hosts soon strip off his clothes and cast him beside the patient on the wounded side as children sing strangely outside, and the two are left alone together. The doctor is forced to calm the patient to tranquil death with somewhat self-excusing arguments. He is keen to escape this situation and hurriedly climbs a horse naked, dragging the other one, the carriage and fur coat along, but the horses make no haste, painfully suspending him in the moment of feeling empty and wasted. Challenged first with the requirement to be capable of responding urgently to a patients call in spite of inconvenient timing, distance and weather; secondly with the requirement to procure means in a situation of unanticipated lack which highlights his precarious unsociability (or that of his neighbours); thirdly, the requirement to protect his vulnerable maid from an explicit threat of a sex predator at a time when duty calls elsewhere; and fourthly, the requirement to make a correct professional decision, faced with a patient who wants to be helped to die and amid feelings and thoughts of guilt, the doctor is dismayed to find himself failing too often. Even after he finds these challenges daunting, he is left to wallow in frustrations he encounters: one being his ultimate inability to rescue his maid; he is incapable of being urgently helpful to her despite meaning to be all along since he left for duty. Things do not work out for him as he had hoped, though initially it is a frustration to him as well that she is abandoned to this vile groom who prefers to delight himself in her misery over accompanying the doctor as the doctor had expected. Yet another is that he finds himself unable to treat his patient-he does not end up curing him. Furthermore, the patient does not even wish to be cured; he wishes to die, and is hostile to the doctors attendance. The doctor finds the whole journey amounting to a response to a false alarm, with added professional frustrations, which rubbed it in how truly unhappy and humiliated it makes his life. Initially, the death of his faithful old horse was a frustration that he hoped to overcome, but it persists as he finds that the horses he is newly experiencing only serve to complicate his predicament, as if by some conspiracy of circumstances, in the manner which they ride him off when he wishes to stay and help his frightened maid; and they walk him ever so slowly back whereas he wishes to escape his unpleasant ordeal and return to redeem his already his already molested Rosa. Perhaps we can call this short story a nightmare. Perhaps it is a literal nightmare-that is plausible-owing to the psychological intensity of the narrated experience. The author almost seems to rush and club together the doctors experiences, giving him such little control, and all along portraying how intense the doctors emotions and thoughts are over the whole ordeal. Or it may be viewed as a metaphorical nightmare; a narration of events that anyone would hate to experience in real life as they fictionally occurred to the country doctor, the main character of the story. Arguably, though, some events in the story occur in a manner somehow fraught with mystery, such as the plot-convenient and plot-rescuing presence of the pigsty, from which come this groom and these horses which serve to deepen the doctors personal crisis; the mischievous and uncharacteristic but highly aware songs which the children sing and the intelligent behaviour of the horses. But there are themes which emerge in this story. One is the dilemma of professional occupation and domestic or private obligation. This theme is demonstrated especially in that moment when the doctor helplessly witnesses his maid being ambushed by the groom, as he is ridden off in his carriage to work. The predicament haunts him throughout his call of duty, and is regularly brought to stark remembrance as he works, causing in him an inner restlessness and emptiness. Some commentators have shown this theme as being pertinent in Kafkas life-he is torn between happiness in relationships and his writing career. Another is the moral complexities professional ethics face, as in the case of euthanasia in the medical profession. Is it right to cure a patient who wishes to die? Should a doctor have to make such a decision? Might a doctor sometimes lack the will or form to be helpful to a patient owing to a personal or private crisis? What happens then? Should he be forced to work-is such compulsion successful anyway? Moreover, there is an apparent thematic conspiracy of circumstances, and its potential to change a persons perspective to life. Is it an ordinary thing-and is it good? Especially because we see another theme: the doctor is plunged into an existential crisis. All what he values in his life -both private and professional-is under attack, and he fails to satisfy his own standards and expectations of himself. Is private life worth sacrificing for profession-particularly if profession is potentially life-saving? Could it be that sacrificing private life ends up destroying ones professional competence? Clearly though, the choices sometimes may have to be mutually exclusive, and the individual risks suffering helpless regret whichever way. Kafka, Franz. A Country Doctor. Trans. Ian Johnston. Nanaimo, BC: Malaspina University-College, 21 Feb. 2009. Web. 18 May 2010. Soman, Ebey. Literary analysis: The Country Doctor, by Franz Kafka. Helium, Inc. Web. 21 May 2010. Bernardo, Karen. Franz Kafkas The Country Doctor. Web. 21 May 2010.