Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Keats Ode Poems Essay

This essay will work in unifying themes of Keats’ poems, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Melancholy, Ode to Psyche, Ode to Indolence, and Ode on a Grecian Urn. The paper will analyze these poems and then apply thematic links. In Keats’ poem Ode to a Nightingale, the first stanza begins with the narrator describing heartache. The following emotions each illustrate this main point through the use of words such as ‘drowsy numbness’, and ‘dull opiate’ (Lines 1-3). The first stanza introduces the reader to the natural element of the nightingale, ‘light-winged Dryad of the trees’(Line 7). This nightingale juxtaposes the narrator’s emotion in a contrasting point of happiness, and thus elicits of the narrator a response of envy (Crawford 478). The narrator’s intent on comparing their lot with the happiness of the nightingale is one full of earnest just as much as envy. The narrator wants to have the nightingale’s happiness as is proven with the lines, ‘O for a draught of vintage†¦That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, And with thee fade away into the forest dim’(Lines 11-20). Thus, the desire of escape is an established theme in Keats’ poem Ode to a Nightingale (Crawford 476). This idea of escapism is further established in the third stanza as it reads, ‘Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget†¦The weariness, the fever, and the fret’ (Lines 21-23). The wish to be a nightingale, of the thins in life the speaker wishes they could own is all tied up in this tiny songstress, and its life is envied all that much more because of the unattainable nature of the speaker to become like the bird (Columbia Encyclopedia 12356). It is a different world that the speaker desires, one in which heartache, loss, and fretful worries of the mundane world are too heavy to bear, and so their escape is not only to leave society, to wander off into the woods, or even to leave the country, but to transmogrify into another creature, a bird, in which the very symbolism of flight alludes to escape, and a fast one. Not only is escape the ideal of the speaker but to be able to forget about the worry enough to create a beautiful song is the other objective in desiring to become a nightingale. These illusions, and ponderings of transformation is the theme which runs throughout Keats’ poems. For, in the speaker’s present state in this poem, because, presumably, of their inability to see the world before them, as is interpreted in the lines, ‘I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs’(Lines 41-42). Thus, in becoming a nightingale, the narrator will shed the worries of his present human state in society and be able to engross themselves in the natural world (Stillinger 595). In the same mood of transformation the speaker suggests that perhaps death is a great escape, ‘I have been half in love with easeful Death, Call’d him soft names in many a mused rhyme, To take into the air my quiet breath’(Lines 52-54). Here then is seen the ultimate escapism theme; Death. These two themes, that of escape through nature (nightingale) and through supernatural (Death) run in opposing directions, as Keats points out in the poem, â€Å"Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird! ’(Line 61). Thus, the bird is proven to be an eternal symbol and thus, the poem’s narrator must find which persuasion; the natural or the supernatural will win them over (Smith 400). In Keats’ poem Ode to Melancholy, the theme of wanting joy is read throughout the poem. The poem seems to be an inspirational change from Ode to a Nightingale as the poem illustrates a sort of derision from death in the lines, ‘For shade to shade will come too drowsily, And drown the wakeful anguish of the soul’ (Lines 9-10). Thus, death’s personification is in the shadows which the narrator portends to be the end of life, where a person should not go (Lethe). The struggle of depression between happiness is a very simple theme in all of Keats’ poems, and one that is no different in this poem, yet its syntax is more intricately woven (Stillinger 596). The poem states that happiness cannot be gotten without melancholy and the greater the depression the greater the happiness. The desire of the narrator in this poem, as in Ode to a Nightingale is to be joyous, although the pathway to this joy is complicated with desperate thoughts, and the dragging of reality. This compare and contrast of melancholy and happiness is best seen in the lines, ‘ She dwells with Beauty-Beauty that must die’ (Line 21). Thus, the transcendence of the ethereal of Beauty, as with the nightingale’s song, is something that is captured once, and then is gone, either changed into a memory, a dream, an illusion, or death. The achievement of beauty, joy, and happiness is the main objective for Keats’ poems. This objective is perfectly illustrated in his poem Ode to Psyche in which the narrator professes the beauty of the goddess. The narrator is questioning the beauty of Psyche, not to test its reality but to wonder whether or not they truly did see her, ‘Even into thine own soft-conched ear: Surely I dream’d to-day, or did I see, The winged Psyche with awaken’d eyes? ’ (Lines 4-6). Thus, Psyche’s beauty is not contested, but the vision of her beauty is by the speaker. The speaker goes on to elaborate on the forest scene as had been done with the escapist route imagined in Ode to a Nightingale. The narrator goes on to discuss the nature of their vision as two nymphs embracing arm in arm, a winged boy and Psyche. Thus, the element of the supernatural is combined with that of the natural, which was clearly defined in Ode to a Nightingale with the bird and death; in this poem they collaborate with the goddess being seduced in a forest glen. Thus, these elements, natural and supernatural, work together to form a collaborating image for the reader. This poem dwells more on the illustration of a scene of Psyche being made love to, and the extreme beauty of her, while the previous poems were mainly focused on the narrator’s interpretation of their world in terms of escape and melancholy. The escapist route taken in this poem may best be described as escapism through beauty. The divine is predominately seen in this poem that its presence in comparison to the melancholy wishes found in the previous poems points the decisive reader towards the viewpoint that in beauty, especially of mythological proportions, is found a different form of escape. The belief in the ethereal realm, the realm found beyond the mundane, banal, and real, and into the heavens. The desperation found in the previous cited Keats’ poems is found in Ode to Psyche in the element of wanting Psyche, of desiring her in this (the narrator’s) modern day, ‘Too, too late for the fond believing lyre, When holy were the haunted forest boughs, Holy the air, the water, and the fire’ (Lines 37-39). The dedication to this mythological realm is fully witnessed with the narrator in the final stanza, ‘Yes, I will be thy priest, and build a fane’ (Line 50). Thus, the narrator professes to want to be in servitude to the goddess and makes many vows, and paints a pretty picture of what such a life of servitude would be like. This picture involves a lot of natural settings of the forest with trees, bees, birds, streams, stars, flowers, etc. Thus, the image of the real, the natural, is given to support the claim of making the supernatural as real as possible; the theme of the natural and supernatural are seen once again. It does not seem as though Keats is writing with personification; that is, making a woman into the image of the goddess Psyche, but he is using the actual image of the goddess to fulfill a desire. Ode to Indolence deals with temptation and innocence. The poem begins, again, with a very Keats’ hallucination involving robed figures, with urns. The connotations of death, and of mythology are seen in this imagery. This poem has the narrator ask the three figures why did not leave the speaker alone; this means that the speaker wishes to remain in their state of indolence as Keats writes, ‘my pulse grew less and less’. When the speaker is done questioning the figures, and they leave the narrator, the poem takes a different turn, as the speaker state, ‘Then faded, and to follow them I burn’d And ached for wings, because I knew the three: The first was a fair maid, and Love her name; The second was Ambition, pale of cheek, And ever watchful with fatigued eye; The last, whom I love more, the more of blame Is heap’d upon her, maiden most unmeek, – I knew to be my demon Poesy’ (Lines 22-31). The speaker then is preoccupied with wanting something of the supernatural world, as is seen in the previous poems discussed, ‘They faded, and, forsooth! I wanted wings’ (Line 32). The desiring of a different world, the world with the shadows is felt just as strongly in this poem as was analyzed in the previous poems. The dream world also survives in this poem as a theme for Keats. It is in the dream that the soul exists more fully than in the actual world, that is the fact that the soul is the conduit through which joy is realized, and so it is in a dream, or a dreamlike world that the speaker is able to find happiness. The longing for the shadows in this poem is the final image which Keats leaves the reader with, ‘Fade softly from my eyes, and be once more In masque-like figures on the dreary urn’ (Lines 57-58). With the image of the urn in this poem, the obvious allusions to death cannot be misinterpreted, and so, death as a supernaturally desired figure as with Ode to a Nightingale is seen by the reader (Mauro 290). The theme of escapism, although quite obvious in the other poems analyzed in this paper is undoubtedly seen in the poem Ode on a Grecian Urn. The idea of negative capability is also read in this poem, or uncertainties. The reader is not given the identities of the figures on the urn, although their impact on the speaker is obvious. The figures are representational of Keats’ own uncertainty (Negative Capability). The poem serves to focus the use of the imagination as a gateway into the supernatural realm which in itself, and its mysterious are not always known in the corporeal realm. The relationship of art to real life is the inspiration for this poem. The same idea of negative capability, or mystery as was seen in Ode to Indolence with the hazy three figures, and the reader’s own ignorance on their identity is once again seen in Ode to a Grecian Urn. This ‘mystery’ or ignorance is most importantly read in the last three lines of the poem, ‘Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st, ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,–that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know’ is said by the urn or is the poet’s, Keats own view. Each poem analyzed and compared and contrasted in this paper has had an underlying theme of truth; that is, the speakers attempt to find out their own soul, their own personal truth in the realm of the supernatural while at times either forsaking the natural, or dwelling more in the natural in order to make the supernatural seem that much more tangible as is seen in Ode to Psyche. The theme of escape was very strong in Keats’ poems, it was not all together the main focus of the poet’s viewpoint; instead the focus may also be the singular point of desiring a change. The idea of transformation is what truly captures the reader’s imagination with Keats, and it is with transformation that a true concurrent theme is found. Works Cited Crawford, A. W. Keats’s Ode to a Nightingale. Modern Language Notes. Vol. 37, No. 8. (Dec. , 1922). pp. 476-481. John Keats Selected Poetry. 3 April 2009. < http://englishhistory. net/keats/poetry. html> Mauro, Jason. The Shape of Despair: Structure and Vision in Keats’s ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’. Nineteenth-Century Literature. Vol. 53, No. 3. (Dec. , 1997). pp. 289-301. Smith, Hillas. John Keats: Poet, Patient, Physician. Reviews of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 6, No. 3. (May-June 1984). pp. 390-404. Stillinger, Jack. Keats and Romance. Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. Vol. 8, No. 4. (Autumn 1968). pp. 593-605. The Columbia Encyclopedia. Criticism. 6th Edition. 2007.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Data protection Act 1998 Essay

The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which defines UK law on the processing of data on identifiable living people. It is the main piece of legislation that governs the protection of personal data in the UK. Although the Act itself does not mention privacy, it was enacted to bring UK law into line with the EU data protection directive of 1995 which required Member States to protect people’s fundamental rights and freedoms and in particular their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data. In practice it provides a way for individuals to control information about themselves. Most of the Act does not apply to domestic use, for example keeping a personal address book. Anyone holding personal data for other purposes is legally obliged to comply with this Act, subject to some exemptions. The Act defines eight data protection principles. It also requires companies and individuals to keep personal information to themselves. The 22 August 1998 Act replaced and consolidated earlier legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1984 and the Access to Personal Files Act 1987. At the same time it aimed to implement the European Data Protection Directive. In some aspects, notably electronic communication and marketing, it has been refined by subsequent legislation for legal reasons. The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 altered the consent requirement for most electronic marketing to â€Å"positive consent† such as an opt in box. Exemptions remain for the marketing of â€Å"similar products and services† to existing cu stomers and enquirers, which can still be permissioned on an opt out basis. The Act’s definition of â€Å"personal data† covers any data that can be used to identify a living individual. Anonymised or aggregated data is not regulated by the Act, providing the anonymisation or aggregation has not been done in a reversible way. Individuals can be identified by various means including their name and address, telephone number or Email address. The Act applies only to data which is held, or intended to be held, on computers (‘equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose’), or held in a ‘relevant filing system’. [3] In some cases even a paper address book can be classified as a ‘relevant filing system’, for example diaries used to support commercial activities such as a salesperson’s diary. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 modified the act for public bodies and authorities, and the Durant case modified the interpretation of the act by providing case law and precedent.[4] The Data Protection Act creates rights for those who have their data stored, and responsibilities for those who store, process or transmit such data. The person who has their data processed has the right to: [5] View the data an organisation holds on them. A ‘subject access request’ can be obtained for a nominal fee. As of January 2014, the maximum fee is  £2 for requests to credit reference agencies,  £50 for health and educational request, and  £10 per individual otherwise, [6] Request that incorrect information be corrected. If the company ignores the request, a court can order the data to be corrected or destroyed, and in some cases compensation can be awarded. Require that data is not used in any way that may potentially cause damage or distress. Require that their data is not used for direct marketing.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Corporate Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Corporate Culture - Essay Example The concept of corporate culture that became widespread in the 1980s was mentioned in the book of Tom Peters and Robert Waterman (1982), In Search of Excellence, in which it was also, mentioned the potential impacts the values and the mindsets of a company could have on its success. There are many factors which influence the shaping or developing of an organizational culture. Buchanan and Huczyenski (1991) came up with four main factors. They argued that for a corporate culture to develop, an organization is required to have a strong and sound set of values, which is usually set up by the organization's founder. Those values are expected to carry forward through the top managerial levels that strengthen the firm's standards and a social learning process is evolved as an outcome. Secondly, the environment of an organization, such as the mention of company's heroes, symbols and notices present will affect the style of how the organization is run and functions. The stories of past efficient employees of the business who contributed greatly to the performance and development of the organization that circulate around in an organization greatly affect the way the rest of the employees work and behave in the organization. ... The methods can be formal and informal, one-way or two-way and can be both. However, communication is a strong factor as it depicts the present culture of the organization and affects others. The training sessions and induction and orientation practices used for communication also develop the way things are handled in a business and thus the corporate culture gets affected. Moreover, what are interrelated with the communication factor are the cultural networks. This implies the set of common beliefs a group of people share within themselves. If a set of values and assumptions are shared by a large group of people that is bound to be the dominant corporate culture in the organization. However, if cultural networks are scattered in an organization, then the organizational culture tends to be weak as no one is following a fixed set of values. The leadership and management style also shapes up the culture around in a business as the managers are usually known as the culture carriers and convey it to the rest of people working in an organization. John Kotter and James Heskett (1992) came up with two types of organizational culture, adaptive culture and inert culture. Adaptive culture as the name implies, is a flexible way of doing things where external factors are taken into account and changers are made in the organization accordingly. Decision making is usually centralized as it facilities greater flexibility in decision making and risk taking. The inert culture is unresponsive to the external environment and has a set of rigid beliefs which it does not change. Decision making is often centralized and there is a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Evaluating Public Relations Campaigns Assignment

Evaluating Public Relations Campaigns - Assignment Example nal higher education meeting at which Virginia Tech administrators shared lessons learned; and Public Affairs staff participated in an exhaustive, line-by-line review of the Virginia Tech Review Panel report. Thus, the NIU crisis communications plan that was enacted on February 14, 2008 was greatly informed by the collective wisdom of the aforementioned experts, as well as the generosity of their counterparts at Virginia Tech. The outcome objectives of the campaign included: (1) to keep all audiences, particularly students and parents, as widely informed as possible throughout crisis, (2) to use website to provide updates to all audiences, including the news-hungry media, (3) to treat news media as partners , as they have communication tools necessary to reach primary audiences, (4) to maintain institutional credibility through maximum timely disclosure, (5) to manage the message- Victims and their families are fisrt priority, (6) to re-establish reputation as a safe and caring campus community. Among the output objectives of the campaign were: (1) issuing of a report praising the NIU’s response and excellence in crisis communication by the Illinois Governor’s Task Force on Campus Security, (2) commissioning of a report on the NIU’s incident in which crisis communication is held up as exemplary by the U.S Department of Homeland Security, (3) praising of the NIU institution for â€Å"transparency and candour’’ by the Chicago Tribune. As a result, to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign, Applications from prospective students continue to rise, and only 19 of 300+ students directly affected by the shooting left the university. NIU Public Affairs staffs are in demand as speakers and consultants for other universities developing crisis plans. No lawsuits have been filed in connection with the February 14, 2008 shooting. Spontaneous and unsolicited gifts for scholarships and memorials total more than $1 million. In turn, an additional evaluation method

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critical appraisal of the growing dominance of Dell in the marketplace Research Proposal

Critical appraisal of the growing dominance of Dell in the marketplace - Research Proposal Example The importance of engineering principles will be extensively covered as well as legal and ethical issues associated with conducting business online. In section two, we will critically appraise the business models used by Dell, identifying their sources of competitive advantage. The technology used to facilitate their success will also be addressed. Dell is the largest merchant in selling all types of computer sizes and understand the customer well. It has a great website and the critical appraisal of the website is done for fetching the business model and knowing the sue experience. Besides buying products, Dell allows users to search for products, technical support, articles and solutions, read reviews/ content of the investor relations and corporate governance, recommendations /personalized services. It also provides its customers with online tutorials and order tracking. Users can interact with the technicians via chat services with technicians. Dell also provides intensive support services. Dell was an early and enthusiastic convert to the Internet, creating its first web site in 1994 and moving many of its business activities to the Internet ahead of its competitors. (Kraemer & Dedrick, 2001) The company witnessed that its direct model gave it a lead in selling online. Unlike indirect vendors such as Apple, IBM, HP and Compaq, Dell did not have to worry about channel conflict with resellers and distributors when it began selling online. It operates in business to consumer model (B2C). Describe Revenue Model Dell represents a new breed of retailers; changing the way business is conducted online with their business to consumer model (B2C.) It is a virtual reseller, one of the main new intermediaries (Sarkar et al, 1996.) They are an electronic-commerce only intermediary; business and customer relationship management (CRM) is conducted purely via their website. Describe Marketing Mode Dell's marketing is done through their site itself. They also resort various other forms of marketing like e-banners and web advertisement in social bookmarking websites. Analysis of Co. Web Site Usability Dell's homepage provides the user with an overview of their whole site, most importantly it speaks about all the products it sells, which is vitally important as (Nielsen, 2002) explains "The homepage is your company's face to the world." User friendliness Dell use standard blue hyperlinks, mouse over navigation, browse box, graphics and a search input box to help users interactively navigate the site, which is very user

Nursing Profession in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nursing Profession in Australia - Essay Example In 1856, she pressed the need for better hygiene conditions in all military hospitals of U.K. On her insistence, Royal Commission on the Health of the Army was established. It was in 1860 when the Nightingale Training School was established on two basic principles; first, that nurses should get training in hospitals and second was that nurses should live in a home devoted to discipline and moral life. Through this school, Nightingale transformed nursing from its disreputable past to a respectable career for all. (Florence Nightingale)Nursing Profession in AustraliaIt was in 1902, that the Australian Army Nursing Service was formed and since then more than 6,700 nurses have served not only in two world wars but in the wars of Korean, Vietnam, and the Gulf wars. (South Australians†¦)Before World War II, the training and education of nurses in Australia was modelled on apprenticeship.   Students got selected on the basis of their moral and educational standards. Students were not charged for lodging, boarding or for vocational training. After completion of the training they were supposed to provide the services to the hospital. Students used to gain valuable experience under the supervision of the 'Ward Sister' in different areas. Ward Sisters were trained and qualified nurses and capable to train student nurses. The system was known as 'Nightingale System’ and got established so firmly that it remained unchanged for several decades. (National Review†¦)... (South Australians†¦) Before World War II, the training and education of nurses in Australia was modelled on apprenticeship. Students got selected on the basis of their moral and educational standards. Students were not charged for lodging, boarding or for vocational training. After completion of the training they were supposed to provide the services to the hospital. Students used to gain valuable experience under the supervision of the 'Ward Sister' in different areas. Ward Sisters were trained and qualified nurses and capable to train student nurses. The system was known as 'Nightingale System’ and got established so firmly that it remained unchanged for several decades. (National Review†¦) Another era of nursing is said to have started from 1943 that remained until 1984.That started with the pressure on old system of training. Recurring shortages of nurses was due to resignation of many practicing nurses and also due to high dropout ratio among nurses under train ing. The reasons were mainly status of nursing, their wages, and work conditions. In 1943, the Kelly committee suggested various measures to improve the status of nurses and the complete overhauling of the training of nurses. The committee further suggested to appoint sister tutors and sister instructors to all training schools at the postgraduate level and to establish a College of Nursing. (National Review†¦) Subsequently, almost 25 years later in 1967, the Institute of Hospital Matrons of New South Wales along with Australian Capital Territory came forward to appoint a Committee to look into the various aspects of nursing. The report emphasised to prepare for training on nursing

Friday, July 26, 2019

Major Challenges along Silk Route Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Major Challenges along Silk Route - Essay Example Moreover, Silk Route proved to be a significant avenue for the exchange of ideas, cultures, and religions. Some of the primary ideas and technology travelled to the world through Silk Route, such as, paper making technology, printing, and gunpowder production are a few to name. Explorers, migrants, traders, soldiers, refugees, and pilgrims contributed to Silk Routes’ extensive cross-continental exchange through their religion, culture, animals, flowers, vegetables, plants, herbs, fruits, and diseases as well (Ma, 1998, pp.1-2).It is not surprising that Silk Road was considered to be the ‘melting pot,’ and ‘the lifeline of the Eurasian Continent’ (Franck and Brownstone 1986; Werblowsky 1988 cited in Ma, 1998, p.2).Routes expansion due to apparently hostile conditions, such as, war between tribes and robbery, Silk routes reached to India, Tibet, Iraq, and Russia(today’s). Moreover, it merged into previously established routes, such as, spice rout es with India (Rowan, 2006). 2. Silk Sea Route Sea route is considered to be another Silk Route which links South China Sea to Indian Ocean and to Mediterranean through both Persian Gulf and Red Sea route. Sea route served the same purpose for silk trade as overland route. In ancient times, overland or sea routes were alternate routes. Over a period of time, sea routes didn’t prove more efficient due to primitive ships, inefficient navigational tools, and lack of geographical knowledge. Seafarers used to stay close to the shorelines; therefore, they cover very small distances (Needham and Wang, 1954, pp.174-80). The rise of Islam played crucial role in the development of overland and sea Silk Route. Muslim ship masters pervaded into not only Indian... Strength of the windstorm and nature of the surface make it more dangerous. Though local people have huge respect for this â€Å"Land of Death,† only few travellers said well about this region in the past. A few roads pass through this vast region, caravans skirted the edges of this region from one oasis to another throughout ancient times. Climate has always been harsh; in summers, the day time temperature is in 40s and greater than 50 degree Celsius frequently measures in the sub-sea-level basin of Turfan. On the other hand, in winters, the temperatures dip below -20 degrees. Temperatures are high in day time, but drop sharply after dusk. Moreover, Taklimakan desert has much sparse water resources (Wild, 1992).Such severe environmental conditions posed great threats to traders from ancient times. Other regions surrounding Taklimakan were equally dangerous. To the northeast, there lies Gobi desert with equally hostile climate. On other three sides, there are highest mountains in the world: Himalaya, Karakorum, and Kunlun ranges. Only few icy, but dangerously narrow and difficult passes cross the region. Most of these passes are more than 5000 meters in altitude, with deep and steep side valleys. North ranges, Tianshan and Pamir are comparatively green and low, however, passes crossing these ranges have enormous problems for the travelers and traders in ancient times. However, a comparatively easier entering point is along the ‘Gansu Corridor’ while entering the region from east (Wild, 1992).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Environmental Data Analysis literature Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Environmental Data Analysis - Literature review Example foundations into the concept of interdependence of all the entities on this planet, where everyone is dependent on each other to some extent that arises the integration of all these entities into one single place to fulfil all the needs, as argued by (Steger, 2013). However, it happened in a number of years and will be going on further, while it was appeared as a concept for the first time in the nineties (Steger, 2013). The concept of Globalisation has many notions and variants that are significant to study, and the purpose of this review is to elaborate this phenomenon from different perspectives existing on the concept, its variants and conceptions, and to evaluate how it has affected the world’s economy. The review has divided into different sections, where the first section has elaborated the time when the concept of globalisation was emerged. Then further sections have detailed different viewpoints existing in the literature over this phenomenon, where it is comprehended that how different scholars and practitioners have viewed the basics of these concepts. After reviewing the literature regarding the different perspectives of globalisation, the next sections have detailed the changings and alterations that have happened due to this phenomenon, where the impact of globalization in every aspect of life is evaluated either it is positive or negative. The concept of globalisation has been much prevalent for last two decades, however, it has happened as a phenomenon for many years ago (Modelski, 1972). It can be argued that the globalisation laid its foundation when there was happened a first exchange of goods or services between the two countries. The emergence of the phenomenon of globalisation was started right after the World War II, when a number of nations required US experience and expertise in the field of technology and industrial development due to the fact that these nations were much affected by the World War II (Dallmayr, 1998). While Massey

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Oceanographt- Chapter 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Oceanographt- Chapter 11 - Essay Example However, their individual inertias keep them apart so that they cannot smash or interfere with each other’s orbiting track. In addition, I have also learnt that, tides’ forces similar to wind can be useful in energy production, though this venture has not received adequate funding and implementation. This is especially in US, where despite Roosevelt outlining benefits, which the state can attain from utilizing tides’ energy, the regime during then failed to embrace this idea. The state refused funding the venture despite seeing its benefits in France, though US regime’s then decline was due to differences emanating from its parties’ varying policies held by each side. The excerpt contends that, among the numerous benefits, which the state utilize tides; the dominant encompasses traditional shipping though presently there are improvements. Since, they have resulted to utilizing diesel driven equipments that are faster than traditional yachts. The intriguing aspect encompasses how tidal friction leads to the slowing of earth’s turning. Since, the daily action of these tides normally entails immense energy expenditure, which in turn dissipates it as heat; hence, slowing earth turning by hundredths of a second in every century. Consequently, this has prompted the earlier one year that had approximately between 400 to 410 days to reduce as well as its day duration, which presently comprise of long days. This is because the moon faces one side, hence prompting one day in the moon to be almost a month comparable to earthly time. It is also intriguing how tides’ actions array aquatic lives forms into diverse categories according to their species and size. This is evident in the chapter’s illustration depicting grunion at the shore though proven scientists’ studies contend this is a process of this fish’s species

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Describe your Out of Class Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Describe your Out of Class Experience - Essay Example school period is something not many people do normally and especially when the examinations are near and usually the norm is to be found strictly in reading zones. This was a new experience for me and also for the few friends I was with as i had never done anything like this as I am always busy in the libraries and engaging in group discussions just before an exam which builds up the pressure and tension making remembering harder. This was the exact opposite during this experience as I got to remember even without much reference to class notes and discussions. The insight I got from this whole experience was that education is possible anywhere as long as one puts their mind to what they are studying or being taught and is relaxed. It was during my summer holiday break last year, when i had an opportunity to experience another out of class experience by attend a seminar that is related to my course in school and that was being held near my home town. The seminar was a five days affair with five different motivational guest speakers most of whom were born in that town and had become successful in their careers. The aim of the seminar was to motivate and encourage the students pursuing this course and who are from my home town not to dwell on their backgrounds but think about the future and how they could change that whichever way they wanted. These were ideal speakers as they had experienced almost all the trials, tribulations and joys that are present in this town and hence the far they reached and whatever they had achieved by the time the seminar was being conducted was possible for the students residing in this location. This got me to start dreaming big about my future and how all the challenges I was currently facing in school and in life as a result of the geographical locations should not be a hindrance but act as a stepping stone towards a bright future. I even got one of the speakers to be my role model to help me in achieving this dream and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Quality of Life for the Patient and Family Essay Example for Free

Quality of Life for the Patient and Family Essay Quality of life has a different meaning for everyone. Many personal thoughts and feelings can come into play when caring for others during the end stages of life. However as a nurse and caregiver, these opinions must be put aside at this significant time. For some health care providers, we may feel that keeping the patient comfortable and having them surrounded by family is most important. However, for the patient, personal culture, lifestyle and value for one self as well as a sense of independence in handling this time alone is most imperative. Therefor a nurse must consider the individuals past experiences, present lifestyle and personal hopes in which they choose to live in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns at this stage. One must meet not only the physical needs of the patient but the psychosocial demands in this sensitive time of need. Seeking aggressive medical treatment vs. palliative care is something that is very personal and differs from individual to individual. Nurses’ opinions and suggestions of the â€Å"best care† should not be voiced to the patient or family, even if asked directly. For Mrs. Thomas, time also plays an important role. She is young and may have many other worries than those of an older age experience in preparing for end of life. A nurse must consider what areas of life are important to her and what is the relative importance of each of these areas. Personal perception that counting on family support is huge, but may not be possible in Mrs. Thomas’ situation as her children live out of town. STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE The nurse should look at several strategies that directly impact the patient as well as the family. Quality of life not only looks at the health status  the patient but those directly involved in the care of the patient. This encompasses a broader set of planning including finances, housing, and employment. This will have a direct impact on the entire family. Three important strategies that are helpful to relieve overall stress and promote optimal coping skills include: 1) patient awareness of disease process, 2) available support from healthcare providers and 3) addressing physical as well as the psychosocial needs of the patient. Healthcare professionals must be prepared and speak directly with the patient and family when it is determined best to the physician’s ability, that the identified disease of breast cancer will cause death. Advance planning and preparation may be helpful in dying well if Mrs. Thomas is more aware about her status of disease. Physicians and nurses must change the plan of aggressive medical treatments of curing the disease of breast cancer and concentrate providing support and a comfortable well being of the deteriorating disease process. This in turn should provide a plan of care for relief of pain, contentment to the patient and focus on the overall whole being of quality of life. The homecare team can include doctors, nurses, home health aides, social workers, and clergy as well as trained volunteers. Most team members provide on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to deliver support. The patient and family should feel the comfort in calling these resources at anytime. The nurse must remind Mrs. Thomas and her husband that they are not â€Å"bothering† any team member by asking for assistance. The team must always work together and communicate the patient’s goals for end-of-life care. It is important for all to realize this is very individualized for each patient and family member. Each individual strategy should include caring for the whole person physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It important for the team to develop strengths based perspectives of psychosocial interventions and listen to what the patient and family have to say to enable them to cope better. In doing so, the team must also communicate on each encounter with Mrs. Thomas and family as well as each other to assure that her and the husband’s needs are being met. HOLISTIC CARE A holistic nursing care plan in valuable in delivering care to the entire person in supporting the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social and  environmental needs. With this approach, nursing care needs to move away from viewing Mrs. Thomas as merely a diagnosis and treating her as a whole person. Nursing goals should be to develop immediate trust with the patient and family, provide comfort, supportive care, and symptom management. This can be achieved by effective communication and providing a calm, relaxed setting for Mrs. Thomas. Allowing her to speak openly and honestly about her feelings and emotions of grief, physical complaints such as pain, nausea, and difficulty sleeping is a good way to start to develop a trusting nurse/patient relationship. As a nurse, one must be supportive and be willing to listen openly. Once Mrs. Thomas begins to express these types of things, the nurse must review and evaluate every visit to improve specific concerns with her. More importantly, healthcare providers must display an openness to hear new concerns and prioritize the needs of the patient and family. FUNCTIONAL ABILITY Assessments to maintain the self functional ability for Mrs. Thomas should include creating a plan to achieve realistic goals and allow self care as long as possible. This in turn can give control back to Mrs. Thomas, help raise confidence and value her quality of life. Mrs. Thomas’ physical, social and environmental conditions should also be considered to help her care for herself. Discussing the 24/7 availability of visits from registered nurses and social workers, involving family and friends or volunteers that can help with running errands and meal preparation for adequate dietary intake, and discussing appropriate medical equipment to assist with ADLs such as performing personal hygiene can prove to be helpful. PROVIDING ADDITIONAL CARE When self-care is no longer possible, the importance of more frequent nurse and/or social worker visits, and interaction of clergy is valuable. In addition, further involvement of additional family, friends, home health aides or volunteers to assist not only with running errands, meal preparation and assistance with ADLs but being present in the home for longer periods to care directly for Mrs. Thomas becomes more imperative. The nurse can assist in making sure appropriate DME equipment is in the home. In  addition, this turns out to be a time when additional emotional support is of great concern for Mr. Thomas. CHRONIC DEPRESSION Mr. Thomas already suffers from chronic depression and now has to endure immense and continuous stress to care for his wife with advanced breast cancer. Over time this takes a toll his health, ability to work, finances, and their own personal and family needs. Involvement of not only the nurse, but also social worker and bereavement counselor can help Mr. Thomas tremendously. Encouraging him to take his medications will help both him and his wife. Also, reassurance that it is okay to want quiet time and allowing others to help to care for his wife should be verbalized to him in a caring manner. Taking some of the financial worries away from Mr. Thomas may help as well. The social worker can discuss resources that are of no cost from community volunteer organizations and review the reimbursement of covered services from the insurance organization at the beginning and in ongoing care of his wife. Sharing the right information with the patient’s family is very important and can assist in better coping. Again, the home care team must offer an environment that provides the openness to hear all concerns and overall needs of not only the patient but also her family.

Person essay Essay Example for Free

Person essay Essay The Most Important Person in my Life We all have someone that is really important to us, someone that has influenced us in our lifetime at some time or another and thanks to that person we are the person we are today. In my case that someone is my mother. My mother is really important to me because thanks to her I exist today, she gave me life .My mother is my best friend, my confident, she is the person that I trust the most in my life . I consider my mother as the most important person in my life because she has always been there for me, gave me all the things that I needed to keep going following my dreams. She is such of a good mother. I love my mother, even though we fight sometimes, I can’t live without her, she is my role model. My mother is a hardworking, supportive, friendly and caring person. My mother is a beautiful woman. She is the youngest of six siblings, she is forty years old. She has light brown skin and is about five feet six inches and 160 pounds. She has black short curly hair, which sometimes she straightens, but she usually keeps it curly. Her eyes are dark brown, like coffee. She has beautiful white teeth which shine when she smiles. On her face she has some freckles. Her eyebrows are black and she likes to shape them square .She also has her ear pierced. My mother wears jeans and blouses most of the time, she is very simple . On Sunday night you would see my mother sitting on the sofa watching T.V. When you first see my mother you will think that she is shy or isn’t a friendly person because of her character, but after you talk to her and know her well you will notice that she is a lovely person, funny, and nice person. On a Saturday morning you would see my mother getting ready to go the church, she usually wears long dress, or a long skirt with jacket, and she is very elegant. My mother is a hardworking woman. She has always worked in order to bring money to our house and to give my little brother and me a better life. She also work hard at home, she always makes sure that everything is okay in our house, she likes to have everything organized. I remember that when I was ten years old , my father moved to the United States in order to find a better way of life, leaving my mother , my brother and me in our country ,the Dominican Republic. After my father left home my mother had to do both roles, be the man and woman. She learned how to fix things at home, so she didn’t have to call someone else to do it. At  first when my father arrived here in the USA he didn’t have a job, so at that moment my mother was the only one that was working and bringing money to our house, but it wasn’t enough to support us. My mother was working in a company, but she didn’t receive a good pay, that’s why she decided to have two jobs. It wasn’t easy for my mother having two jobs, plus she had to do everything at home. I remember that she woke up every day early in the morning in order to prepare something to eat for my little brother and me, and then she had to get ready to work at her first job. After m y mother finished a job, she had to go to the other one, and then when she really ended up working she used to go home to help my brother and me with our homework. I don’t know how she was able to do so many things at the same time, but she did .She always tried to give us a good life. Nowadays, I see my mother, and I feel very proud of her. She taught me that nothing is easy in life that we have to work hard to get the things that we want. Sometimes I feel tired because I work and study at the same time , and sometimes I think that I can’t continue doing this and then I think about my mother, how hard she used to work and never gave up. She is my inspiration and role model. My mother is such a hardworking woman, this is one the qualities that I most admire about her. How nice it is having someone that supports you in every decision that you make in life. No matter what, every time that I need my mother’s support, she is always there for me. Most of the time when I have to make an important decision in my life, I talk to my mother before doing it. I remember that when I started working and studying at the same time, I felt like it was too much for me , because I was working and studying full time. At that moment I did not what to do because I really needed a job to help my mother to pay the bills , but I also wanted to continues my studies in order to have a better life. So one day I decided to talk to my mother about my situation. â€Å"Mommy I feel that working full and being a full time student is too much for me.† â€Å"So, what do you want to do?† She asked me. â€Å"I am thinking to leave my Job.† I replied. â€Å"Dawilsa whatever you think that is the best for you or you want to do, I support you.† She said. After I talked to my mother, I decided to just cut some hours in my job and work part time, so in that way  I would have more time to study, and do my homework on time. Thanks to my mother’s support I got good grades, and I felt most comfortable. I also remember that when I was about twelve years old my dream was to become a famous and professional dancer. So since I knew that my mother supports me in any decision that I make in life I talked to her about it. â€Å"Mom Do you know what is my biggest dream in life?† I asked her. â€Å"Yes, to become a famous dancer has always been your dream.† She replied. â€Å"Mom, Can I go to the dancer school that is in my school?† I insisted. â€Å"Sure, you can go to the dancer school anytime, that’s your dream and I support you. â€Å"She replied. After I talked to my mother I was jumping of happiness because she said yes. Few days later I started taking dance class. I felt so happy because one my dreams was starting to become true. I took one year of class on that dancer school , and then I had to leave it because I was too busy on school with my homework and did have enough time to go the dancer school .So since education comes first I decided to leave the dancer school. My mother is my support, she is like my right hand. My mother is very friendly. My mother has always been friendly with everybody, that’s why she knows a lot of people. It’s nice to be a friendly person because you have a lot of friends and you are also appreciated by other people. When I was a kid I didn’t like to go to the supermarket with my mother because she always found someone that she knew and then stop to talk with that person for a while. Even though I don’t like when I am with my mother and she stops to talk to everybody, it is always good to meet people from everywhere. I remember that one day before coming here I needed a paper from high school in order to be able to register in college, so my mother and I went to the school’s office. When we went and told the secretary what we needed she told us that to get that paper done would take a while. I really needed it right away because I was coming to the USA the day after. After a few minutes talking with the secretary, the manager arrived and since my mother knew him he came and helped us with the paper. Thanks to my mother I learned to be a friendly person and everywhere that I go I know many people. Being friendly is one the qualities that I most like about my mother. It helps to know people. Caring is part of my mother’s personality. It’s like she was born with this quality. My mother always takes care of my  father, my little brother and me. She is always asking me how I am doing in school or in my job. I remember few years ago, I was in the hospital because I was really sick .I stayed at the hospital for a whole week. My mother took vacation from her job because she wanted to stay with me, taking care of me, and making sure that I had everything that need. At that moment my mother showed me that she really care about me and how important I was to her. My mother is always up to me when I need an advice .When I am sad I go to see her and she gives me a hug and good advices and makes me feel much better. When I am sick she gives me medicine and everything that I need to get better .My mother is such blessing in my life. She is always ready to pour out her unconditional caring love to me and those around her. Being hardworking, supportive, friendly and caring are only a few of the attributes that I have learned from my mother. She taught me how to get things in life ,to keep going, it doesn’t matter what happens and never to give up .But ,one the most important things she taught me is how to be a good person. I love my mother, and I am more than proud to say that she is my mother. She has been a huge influence in my life, I will never finish paying and thanking my mother for all the things that she has done for me. Mommy, you are my role model.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Vodafone Advertising Strategies Analysis

Vodafone Advertising Strategies Analysis Marketing Strategy is a key part of overall corporate strategy, which is concerned with developing plans for finding out what customers want and then effectively meeting their requirements. Vodafones marketing aim is to attain market leadership, network quality and maximize the customer satisfaction. They strategy used by Vodafone is customer focused and product led; the company is continually developing new products and services which utilise the latest technological advances. The aim is extended to provide the customers with e value added services and also competitive charges to the existing customers. The objective of the study is to understand the advertisement strategies adopted by Vodafone Essar in India, and to study the effectiveness of the campaign of Vodafone- Indian Premiere League Season 2 and to make a study of effectiveness of the advertisement strategies of Vodafone in their current market. Vodafone is the most valuable as well as leading international telecommunication company. It has partnered a joint venture in the Indian market with the Essar Group. Essar is a perfect example of the diversified business corporation which is spanning the services and the manufacturing sectors, for eg, steel, shipping and logistics, communications, energy etc. This group has a base asset of about 400 million rupees and an employee group of more than 20,000 people. 21st September 2007, the launch of memorable joint venture, the Vodafone Essar group. Vodafone in India was welcomed with a fantastic phrase Hutch is now Vodafone campaign. Hutch was as it is very famous among people of India, now it was wisely transitioned to Vodafone. This was a significant chapter in the history of telecom, as the evolution of Vodafone, considered to be a very dynamic and at the time ever-growing brand. This brand across India was unveiled country wide through high profile ad-campaign. This migration of Hutch to Vodafone was the fastest and most comprehensive in the history, with 400,000 multi-brands outlets, from which over 350 were Vodafone stores, over 1,000 mini stores, over 35 mobile stores and over 3,000 touch points that were rebranded within 2 months. The company now has 74.08 million customers**. It has earned titles over the years that are Most Respected Telecom Company, the Best Mobile Services in the Country, Most Creative and Most Effective Advertiser of the Year. The study has found out that the advertisement strategies that have been used by the Vodafone Essar have give them better results by increasing their sales. This fact has been proved by the various research tools that can be used such as the correlation, hypethesis testing. This research will sure help the companies to work and improve their advertising strategies, because advertisements are the best ways to convince the people about our brand or product, and make their minds to go and get them. Problem Statement The research statement is To study and analyze the effectiveness of the advertisement strategies adopted by the Vodafone Essar Group The above problem statement quoted is not exactly a research that is to be performed instead it is an analysis to find out whether the advertisement of Vodafone Essar were effective or not. This study will definitely benefit the company by suggesting them if any future changes required in the present strategies. This will also help them in attaining good result in the next financial year with better sales. Research Objectives The objectives of the research are To understand the advertisement strategies of Vodafone Essar. A study of the effectiveness of the campaign used in the Indian Premiere League season -2. To study the effectiveness of the advertisement strategies in the current the market condition. Vodafones Marketing Strategies : Hutch to Vodafone Re-branding of Hutch with Vodafone Vodafones new advertisement strategies started with the very same and familiar character of pug, brand ambassador of Hutch, the hutch dog. Tagline previously was wherever you go, our networks follows with the pug following the child wherever he goes. The message given with the brand transition exercise was The new Vodafone is the same old Hutch. In the advertisement the pug finds a new house after it returns from an outing and feels that the new change is better. They came with the new catch phrase Make the most now. Vodafone had also tied up with the entertainment channels like Star India to run the advertisements and completely roadblock it for 24-hours with the rebranding campaign. Vodafone used all its commercial airtime on 13 channels in 5 different languages from 9pm 20th September to 9pm 21st September to show this campaign. Promotion of the Re-branding to the public Conventionally if we see, for any rebranding to be promoted requires ample period of time. But this challenge was readily taken by Star Network and Maxus, to make it as fast as possible by road blocking the channels on the day of rebranding taken place. Since Star is the leading network in India, this platform proved itself to be very beneficial for the launch of the Vodafone. This not only helped in promoting the brand awareness but also breaks the clutter going on the most happening sector of telecom. The print media came into picture on 21st September one day after the splash from the television. While the rebrand campaign were doing their work on television on the other hand the company was preparing itself to fight the price war, which was again very important factor firstly in telecom sector and secondly in the Indian market. Entry of Vodafone in the Handsets Market Vodafone also launched low-costs handsets to its new subscribers under the Vodafone brand and also co-branded the handsets sourced from the other global vendors. This was done by bringing many low- costs handsets from around the world into India. Vodafone distributed these handsets through its network of 400,000 outlets. By doing all this Vodafone also became a mass mobile phone brand along with continuing to stay as the telecom service provider. The above strategy was used by the CDMA players like RCOM and TATA Tele-services but Vodafone was the first GSM to do this. The Vodafone, a communication leader in an increasingly connected world also enriches the lives of the consumers, helping the individuals, businesses and also the communities to be more connected by delivering them their total communication needs. Vodafones logo is itself a representation of that belief the start of a new conversation, a trigger, a catalyst, a mark of true pioneering. Advertising is the most frequently used tool to support or promote the rebranding, also its very easy, flexible and quick to change. There are also many examples where advertising has rebranded and repositioned or strengthen brands. There were also examples which developed strong emotional link with the public. The advertising agency of Hutch and now Vodafone, O M(Ogilvy and Mather) had two-folded task to do, first to announce the entry of Vodafone to India and second to highlight the transition of Hutch to Vodafone. Which they did very wisely with the pug, in a campaign they showed the pug coming out of the pink kennel and then entering into the red one, the pink color depicted Hutch whereas the red depicted the Vodafone. A more energetic and chirpier version of the song You and Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ tune associated with Hutch was also played towards the end and it concludes Change is Good, Hutch is now Vodafone. Advertising agency that proved the success of Vodafone OM also introduced four commercials, which had animated boy and a girl who launched the logo of this new brand to consumers. The four creatives which were merely of 5 seconds included the duo peeping over the wall just to see the logo; parasailing with the logo flying high behind them; releasing a rocket bomb where the explosion in the air reveals the brand logo; and last was the trendy one in which curtain was raised in order to introduce the logo. Another bunch of four advertisements casted the very old Hutch dog pug. These commercials were of 10 seconds and they shot pug in the situations where he literally, saw red, color created the visual impact on the consumers this strategy made the public remember the color of the brand. The pug was shown in a basket that was red in color, popping from a red cart, drying itself on a mat which was also red in color, finally hiding itself in a beautiful red color blanket. Here also the target was fulfilled with the help of the punch line Hutch is now Vodafone. The print ads were working in their own way, in various languages and in various dailies. These print ads were made very simple as in a still shot of the pug was taken inside a red colored kennel. The same creative was used on the outdoor hoardings as well, in all the 16 circles in which Vodafone was now operating. It wasnt easy as it seems to be to integrate the two brands like Hutch and Vodafone. Hutch as is known is a subtle, understand the brand, while globally, Vodafone represents high energy, dynamics and young vitality, all these were represented by its bright red speech mark logo. And because of all this it always had a very energetic background music and feel of the ads. A few advertisement include Hutch is now Vodafone: if we watch any of the start channels or tuned to the 20-20 world cup, the ads were seen. On 11 February 2007, Vodafone agreed to acquire the controlling interest of 67% held by Cheung Kong Holdings in Hutch-Essar for US$11.1 billion and now had to rebrand itself so it had decided to run a new ad series which piggy banked on Hutchs dog mascot and the theme Change is Good. This required nearly 250 crores of spending by Vodafone, but they have successfully painted the town into their color that was red. The most interesting part of it was the 24 hours roadblock that was done on the day of rebranding on the channels of Star network, so that other than this one no other commercials was aired(apart from the in-channel promos). Vodafone also came up with the Valentine Day Special Ads: Vodafone released a very sweet and simple ad of the musical greetings that were targeted at the couples during the Valentine week. The feature of the campaign is its simplicity and believability and is quite well received. It uses the positioning Make the Most of Now enjoy the video. Vodafone Chota Credit Ink Ad: this ad came as a refreshing change and more so that this ad takes a very refreshing look at the school and at fountain pens. This ad creates very wonderfully subtle message which really puts the point of Chota(small) credit across. Vodafone and the Funny Advertisements Everyone likes Funny commercials. Creative people like creating them. Advertiser are pleased to be running them. The consumers enjoy watching them.(Roman and Mass, 1976) In market today there is a lot of competition among the producers, and a lot of choices among the buyers. There is actually a race for proving that one product is better than the other. Producers/ sellers apply a lot marketing skills and advertising strategies in gaining the attention of the public in market. Its a human nature to get attracted towards the things that relieve their minds from hectic schedule. Companies spend millions of dollars to make the public smile and make them buy their products. This can be done through the below ways: Funny ideas for advertisements Make customers Hoardà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..use funny Billboard! Mascots dance to your tune by wearing funny costumes! Press the laughter button while they watch TV (zoo-zoo) Make Catchy Jinglesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Your stars would Twinkle!! Want heaps of money..Use inflatable that are funny Vodafone ZOOZOOZ Innovation is always a part of advertisements and the advertising agencies reach out for new ways to capture the prospective consumers heart. Vodafone capitalizes on the innovative ideas and always came with the new advertisements that took the brand on heights always. Out of all the commercials launched by Vodafone, ZOOZOOZ are the best. OM the mastermind behind Vodafone Zoozooz Advertisements and the main objective was to set the position of Vodafone as an innovative leader in the mobile services sector. The promotion strategy was to hit massive levels by maximising the target audience. IPL-2 was the best option for Vodafone to do go for. The advertising strategy behind it proved itself from the fact that the name Zoozooz got coupled with the brand Vodafone and gathered more publicity and reception than IPL. Repetition of the advertisements of Zoozooz may bore the viewers, so OM came up with new Zoozooz Ad every day. Zoozooz were the new brand ambassador for Vodafone, has created a furore in the advertising industry. Zoozooz succeeded in giving the exact makeover Vodafone was looking for along with amazing brand presence. ZOOZOOZ strategy hit in the market The main reason of the advertisement to succeed was that is was very well planned and launched during the time of the Indian Premiere League- 2 using it as its platform. Cricket in India in nothing less than religion, and Zoozooz captured attention of all those people who saw the matches, and this count was huge nearly 2 billion people were targeted through this campaign. People were so attracted that they use to wait eagerly for the break to come and to watch more stories of Zoozooz. Zoozooz has become such a hero in history of advertisements that people will not forget in generations to come. Zoozooz are basically animated character, with egg shaped head, round belly, but hands and legs are extremely thin. It was brand new and innovative concept and also Vodafone wonderfully promoted their services by creating different and more interesting stories featuring Zoozooz in it. The charm of the Zoozooz was so much that self-marketed strategy was also followed and they were instant success to the mass of people. Zoozooz for themselves created such huge audience and also gave boost to the brand of Vodafone. People were as it is excited about the cute and lovable character zoozoo, but this curiosity heighted when Vodafone disclosed that Zoozooz were not animated, rather humans were playing their characters. People became hungrier to know about their favourite Zoozoo. In the second phase Vodafone started promoting these characters on social media sites, which is considered to be a wise decision. People started joining fan club of Zoozooz on these social networking sites like Orkut, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and many more. Also the communication started building amongst these people. Vodafone also came up with the Zoozoo goodies like zoozoo toys, zoozoo mugs, zoozoo keychains, zoozoo t-shirt, etc. Zoozooz have now become a brand. Vodafone Zoozooz are the new Hutch Puppies One often wonders what is it about these advertisements that they clicked the people to certain extent. Is it merely because the Zoozooz are cute or is it because of the humour that is the base theme of the advertisements. Whatever it may but it has given Vodafone, the worlds leading mobile telecommunications company. Zoozooz were launched in the IPL-2 whereas in 2008 i.e. IPL-1 Vodafone came up the advertisement with tagline as Happy to Help services. An animated character was hired in 25 commercials to promote the various Value Added Services(VAS). Vodafone operates in the Oligopoly. Oligopoly is a market structure that has unique features because it is characterised by few sellers and mutual interdependence. Price, Quantity and Revenue are the main players of this market. There are various price wars (cutting down the price) as well as non price wars taking place. Advertising is the non-price war where advertisements are the way to cut the chance of the competitors by making use of various strategies. How did this Ad contribute to revenue Revenue in the three months ended June 30, 2009 rose to 10.7 pounds ($17.7 billion), in line with analyst estimates, clearly proved that the Ad has contributed maximum. Vodafone CEO Vittorio Colao said that its total communications strategy was delivering well, with group data revenue 7 % higher than last years comparative period. He also said that the free cash flow generation was strong at  £ 1.9 billion, up 21%. But while Vodafone has shown signs of combating the recession; some areas of weakness still remained. Not considering the positive effect from foreign exchange fluctuations and acquisitions. Vodafone results also highlight several areas in its core businesses that require close attention. According to a report in the Telegraph on 24 July 2009, Vodafone the worlds largest mobile phone firm by revenues, reported sales in line with market expectations for that quarter to end-June as strength in India and Africa compensated for the weakness in Europe. According to CEO Vodafone added 8 million customers in this quarter, taking its proportionate customer base to 315 million. Growth in India and South Africa helped the mobile phone giant report a 9.3% rise in revenue in the three months to end of June to  £10.7 billion. Conclusion After going through the Advertisement Strategies of Vodafone, I conclude that promotion whether it be through print media or through the ads shown on television, plays a very important role in building a Brand. Hutch and Vodafone rebranding is the memorable and most big event in the telecommunication industry. And the advertisement made this event bigger by continuously broadcasting the ads for 24 hours on national television. The main motive is to make people know about your brand. And that is what is done excellently by Vodafone. The advertisement also puts a very big question in front of the other telecom companies, does having big movie stars and cricketers as their brand ambassador really help? Doesnt a simple white character with egg shaped head, round belly and thin legs called Zoozoo can gain the attention of masses. This is definitely a new trend and also a new wave. Thus it can be seen that oligopolistic market structure of this industry has played a significant role in the generation of revenue for Vodafone, especially through this unique advertising strategy.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

E-commerce :: Business and Management Studies

E-commerce Unless you have been living under a rock for the last two years, you have heard about e-commerce! And you have heard about it from several different angles. For example: You have heard about all of the companies that offer e-commerce because you have been bombarded by their TV and radio ads. You have read all of the news stories about the shift to e-commerce and the hype that has developed around e-commerce companies. You have seen the huge valuations that web companies get in the stock market, even when they don't make a profit. And you may have actually purchased something on the web, so you have direct personal experience with e-commerce. Still, you may feel like you don't understand e-commerce at all. What is all the hype about? Why the huge valuations? And most importantly, is there a way for you to participate? If you have an e-commerce idea, how might you get started implementing it? If you have had questions like these, then this edition of How Stuff Works will help out by exposing you to the entire e-commerce space. Let's have a look! Commerce Before we get into a complete discussion of e-commerce, it is helpful to have a good mental image of plain old commerce first. If you understand commerce, then e-commerce is an easy extension. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines commerce as follows: com.merce n [MF, fr. L commercium, fr. com- + merc-, merx merchandise] (1537) 1: social intercourse: interchange of ideas, opinions, or sentiments 2: the exchange or buying and selling of commodities on a large scale involving transportation from place to place 3: sexual intercourse We tend to be interested in the second definition, but that third one is interesting and unexpected - maybe that's what all of the hype is about! So commerce is, quite simply, the exchange of goods and services, usually for money. We see commerce all around us in in millions of different forms. When you buy something at a grocery store or at Wal-mart you are participating in commerce. In the same way, if you cart half of your possessions onto your front lawn for a yard sale, you are participating in commerce from a different angle. If you go to work each day for a company that produces a product, that is yet another link in the chain of commerce. When you think about commerce in these different ways, you instinctively recognize several different roles: Buyers - these are people with money who want to purchase a good or service. Sellers - these are the people who offer goods and services to buyers. Sellers are generally recognized in two different forms: retailers who

Friday, July 19, 2019

Legitimizing Final Causes :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites The word "telos" in ancient Greek meant: "goal, target, mission, completion, perfection". The Greeks seem to have associated the attaining of a goal with perfection. Modern scientific thought is much less sanguine about teleology, the belief that causes are preceded by their effects. The idea is less zany than it sounds. It was Aristotle who postulated the existence of four types of causes. It all started with the attempt to differentiate explanatory theories from theories concerning the nature of explanation (and the nature of explanatory theories). To explain is to provoke an understanding in a listener as to why and how something is as it is. Thales, Empedocles and Anaxagoras were mostly concerned with offering explanations to natural phenomena. The very idea that there must be an explanation is revolutionary. We are so used to it that we fail to see its extraordinary nature. Why not assume that everything is precisely as it is because this is how it should be, or because there is no better way (Leibnitz), or because someone designed it this way (religious thought)? Plato carried this revolution further by seeking not only to explain things - but also to construct a systematic, connective epistemology. His Forms and Ideas are (not so primitive) attempts to elucidate the mechanism which we employ to cope with the world of things, on the one hand, and the vessels throu gh which the world impresses itself upon us, on the other hand. Aristotle made this distinction explicit: he said that there is a difference between the chains of causes of effects (what leads to what by way of causation) and the enquiry regarding the very nature of causation and causality. In this text, we will use the word causation in the sense of: "the action of causes that brings on their effects" and causality as: "the relation between causes and their effects". Studying this subtle distinction, Aristotle came across his "four causes". All, according to him, could be employed in explaining the world of natural phenomena. This is his point of departure from modern science. Current science does not admit the possibility of a final cause in action. But, first things first. The formal cause is why a thing is the type of thing that it is. The material cause is the matter in which the formal reason is impressed.

Macbeth - Downfall Of A Hero :: essays research papers

Macbeth’s strive for power affects every aspect of his life, and this motivation eventually leads to his demise. Many different factors play a pivotal role in deciding his ill-fated future. With his wife’s cajoling, and the three witches’ foretelling of his future Macbeth, will stop at nothing to gain position as King of Scotland. The witches and their prophecies are the first major influence on Macbeth’s actions. Macbeth, Thane of Glamis is content with his position, until the three witches tell him, "hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor, thou shalt be King hereafter." (I, iii.). After hearing this, Macbeth and Banquo, his loyal friend, find out that King Duncan has named Macbeth "Thane of Cawdor." They contemplate about how the rest of the prophecy will come true. The witches also advise them that Banquo’s son would be King one day. Macbeth writes a letter to Lady Macbeth explaining what has happened. Macbeth comes to the realization that for him to in fact become King, he will have to defeat recently named heir to the throne, Malcolm, the King’s son, and also prevent Banqou’s son from gaining access to the throne. Macbeth returns home and he and his wife must play host to the King. Lady Macbeth begins to contemplate what "impedes thee from the golden round" (I, v). She desperately wants her Macbeth to be King and she calls upon the "aids of sprits"(I, v) to help her in her quest for the throne. Lady Macbeth requests that the, "sprits that tend on mortal thoughts," to unsex her, and fill her with the "direst cruelty†¦" (I, v.). The supernatural world will aid her in the hardening of her heart and make it possible for her to carry out her malicious plan. Lady Macbeth wishes to throw out her morality for the sake of gaining a title. With the help of invisible sprits, she wants to make herself able to commit a heinous act of murder to make her dreams of the royal life come true, without having reservations or remorse. She approaches Macbeth with her intent to kill King Duncan. Macbeth, although wanting the prophecy to come true, and become king, lacks the enthusiasm as his wife does, to commit the murder. Lady Macbeth urges Macbeth to act on his desires or he will think of himself as a coward. King Duncan is invited to Macbeth’s castle, and it is there that he will be killed.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

This house would make the student pay

I strongly disagree in making university students pay for their tuition fees as I feel that education should come as a right and not have to come at a price. We all know that if there were no fees for university everybody who has the required grades for the specific university would have the chance to attend as often high achieving students miss out on the opportunity of university as they had come from a less – privileged family and this is unfair, but also it is discrimination to those from poorer backgrounds. As a result only those that are privileged and can afford the education can send their children to university. Student loans are offered as an option to help pay tuition fees but they tend to do more harm than good as there are unforeseen consequences. Tori Siler dropped out of Purdue University in 1999 after borrowing the maximum amount of federal student loans in America, about $46,000. Today, the single mother of two boys earns $32,000 a year as an administrative assistant, while her unpaid student-loan debt has ballooned to more than $100,000. Her lender wants her to repay $650 a month — one-quarter of her gross income — for the next 35 years. By the time Siler made the last payment, she would be 78. Hundreds of thousands of student borrowers are discovering what Siler has learned: that student loans are increasingly difficult to escape, regardless of the burden repayment might be. Unfortunately many students are having no option as universities tragically withdraw the person from their course due to the inability to pay for their courses which hinders their learning. Loans start being paid off when the student has a secure job which earns a minimum of fifteen thousand pounds and takes at least three years to pay back with interest added on from day one of payment. Therefore a large proportion of students are leaving university with a substantial amount debt. It is hard to agree with the fact that if there were no tuition fees with grants made available then more people will feel inclined to apply for university. Therefore these people would make something out of their lives. Graduates benefit the society as a whole but if fewer people graduate there are less people to fill spaces for specialty jobs e.g. doctors and lawyers as they are not as they will not have the sufficient knowledge and skills for the jobs. The UK is currently below average on how many young people are attending university as several other countries are sending more than sixty percent of young people in their population to university. Finland and Scotland are two perfect examples of countries in which people do not pay university are doing very well. The evidence of this is Edinburgh in Scotland has the most graduates in the entire world and their students are not paying fees! Surely that already shows how university fees are putting the country behind? It can be argued that independence and experience are gained and it prepares them for the future lives as they will have to be paying for those themselves, but in most circumstances parents end up paying so how is it in any way giving them or even offering any independence. The loans students have when they have graduated from university cause them to begin their lives after education in debt and there is no guarantee that they will even be able to pay it off for a very long time. It might be the in the priority of the government to put schools and hospitals first with taxpayers money as they only have a certain amount to pay for but services, hospitals and police but education as a whole should not have to come at a price as it is not a privilege but a basic right. As countries are becoming more developed they need a more highly – trained and skilled workforce. From one point of view it can be seen that the system is fair to students from different backgrounds as the fees are only paid back when a certain salary threshold is reached so someone who fails to benefit from their education doesn't apply for it, but I can easily make it clear that tuition fees discriminate those from poorer backgrounds who are less able to get into debt because even if they choose to go to university, students who happen to have rich parents are a great advantage compared to those who have to pay off the fees themselves. We need to cancel all debt for those leaving university. At the moment it would be persuasively argued that too many people are applying to university (around thirty five percent of all students). So obtaining a degree is simply not worthwhile for some people given their future employment plans; the time could be spent more wisely and constructively in actual work because nowadays universities are feeling pressurised to take as many people as possible as they are funded per student but it is not always in the students best interest as many choose to skip lectures, but what sort of government presumes to decide on behalf of the public what career they should follow? Everyone should have a free choice in deciding whether they want a degree or not, the argument of those opposing me is purely elitism, which is not right in a society like this. Those statistics just conceal the true problem without solving what is needed to be solved. It is like trying to ignore a river by building a dam. The water, like the problems, will just build and build†¦ This country is more developed and is still moving forward therefore more skilled graduates are needed. My own mother who left university nine years ago to her surprise saw that in her last bank statement money for her student loan had been removed from her account and this is happening to an increasing number of people as years go by. It has become more evident that many more people as years go by will be living off benefits and digging the country into a deeper hole. This is because more problems may arise such as crime as many people are becoming idle. The money the government doesn't want to pay on university will just be spent on jails and other problems to arise from this poor decision. It is up to you – lose: and you will be inevitably leaving university with debt to pay off or win: and won't be discouraged from university as you will not have student loans and extra debt to pay off.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Game theory Essay

grainy speculation is a large-minded field of study that involves examining elans in which st appreciategic purposes ar derived. The study is use in beas where st esteemgic proceedions among judicious implementalists pose step upcomes with respect to the preferences of those pseuds (Fudenberg & Tirole 1991). Game opening is a branch of applied mathematics that is gener e really(prenominal)y employ in the social sciences situations standardized, stintingals, psychology, g all oernmental science, and philosophy.The system is a resembling utilize in opposite field like, biology, engineering, political science, multinational relations and computer science. Game theory discharge be classified as non-cooperative (or strategical) bouncings and co-operative (or coalitional) ventures (Fernandez & Bierman 1998). Non-cooperative plays argon involved with how intelligent individualistics inter process with unitary and only(a) a nonher in an drive to achieve their own goals. Co-operative naughtys be where players co-operate in their trips (strategies) to achieve the desired common goals.Strategic- fig or normal form spunkys and blanket(a) form halts. Strategic form gages argon games where actions by players are interpreted simultaneously and run of the play is ir applic open to the games outcome. Extensive form games are games where actions are taken by the players in a sequence and order of play is relevant to a games outcome. They are usually presented in a head diagram. Symmetric and Asymmetric games Asymmetric games are where the regularts for playing a particular move dep peculiarity provided on the early(a) players strategies.Symmetric game is where identities of the players nooky be counterchanged without changing the coming back to the strategies. Zero-sum games and non-zero sum games Zero-sum games are where the total benefits to all players add up to zero (Camerer 2003). In non-zero sum games, the total benefi ts do non necessarily adds up to zero. Discrete and never-ending games discrete games realize finite upshot of players, moves, events and outcomes. Continuous games exact infinite numbers.The elementary elements of game theory are an ingredient (an entity with preferences/options), game (All situations in which at least(prenominal) unmatched broker domiciliate only act to maximise his avail finished anticipating responses to his actions by cardinal or to a greater extent an separate(prenominal) agents), public utility (amount of benefits/welfare an agent derives from occurrence of an event), pay transfer (an ordinal utility number assigned to a player at event of a definite outcome), outcome (an assignment of a send of payoffs, one to from severally one player in the game), dodge (players plan on which action to take to achieved his/her desired payoff) and trees and matrices (ways of liveing games that is found on order of play) (Fernandez & Bierman 1998). Ga me theory is based on the follo succeedg assumptions Players in a game are able to crystallize their own preferences i. e. they are drop off agents.Players are economically rational and they earth-closet, evaluate outcomes, calculate paths to outcomes and choose actions that they think lead yield their preferred outcomes. Agents purpose is to maximize their utility. Game outcome depends on the actions taken by the players (Camerer 2003). Game theory has been used to explain in polar fields to explain varied phenomena. In economics, game theory has been employed to explain credit line behaviors and economic conditions. economical theories create embraced game theory in explaining and exhibiting certain economic behaviors. Economists have used other think theories in trying to understand rational interaction of strategic economic decisions that are make by pot.These theories are intimately linked to game theory and they include, decision theory, general equilibrium theory and chemical mechanism design theory. Decision theory is a game theory of a wizard player a take onst nature that focuses on preferences and the geological formation of beliefs (Fernandez & Bierman 1998). The theory is used to demonstrate how surmount to acquire tuition before reservation a decision. Equilibrium theory is a branch of game theory that deals with tidy sum and harvestion and mostly with where in that respect are relatively large number of individual consumers and producers (Fudenberg & Tirole 1991). It is widely used in the macroeconomic analysis of broad based economic policies like monetary and fiscal policies, root merchandises analysis, interest and exchange rates studies. machine design theory is built on game theory further have special focus on the consequences of unalike types of rules (strategies). Example of a game theory is harm game used by companies in a duopolistic grocery store to affix their commercialize percentage. In a duopoly com mercialize, twain smasheds control the grocery store place and they use factors like bells, quality products and services, promotions, branding and promotion to cope over the securities industry consider (Samuelson 2008). When tradeplace dish out of one confederacy attachs, the other attach tos voice decreases. Firms in sectors that sells homogeneous products (e. g. energy sector), uses terms strategy to win emergence their commercialise place place grant. taking example of two anele companies in a duopolistic market in received oil terms surge, the companies are go about with problem of adjusting their wrongs upwards since this ordain adversely sham the use up of their oil products and thus go down their taxations. Increase in flagrant oil damages has been experienced in the sympatheticity, and oil and petroleum companies have to increase their retail prices upwards to realize earnings from their venture. Companies also have objective of incre asing the script of their sales, by increasing the market component part of their products. Since petroleum companies trades homogeneous products, the main market in additionl to increase their market share is price. For two companies in a duopoly market, if one fel overreach-goship increases its prices, and other concurs or even reduces, the occasion loses market share to the latter. just about(prenominal) companies face the fol imprinting possibilities from their moves reduction of market share of their products and and so their future revenues and acquire or reduction in their pull in margin or red ink and hence shrink of their financial performance and harvest-feast in the future. thitherfore each of the firms is face up with dilemma of which move to take in this situation of sharp increase in their raw materials. The two firms have the following strategic problem to ensure vantageousness of their companies amid high cost of their sales, and pressure to maintain their prices at competitive price over their rivals in order to increase subscribe to of their products.These are conflicting goals that management of each association must resolve by do strategic price decisions. price strategies for the two firms are either to increase the price that would responses to increase in revenue and retain its market share, reduce price which results to increase in market share of its products or maintain the price (Ibid 2008). distri moreoverively company want to maximize its utility in the pricing moves i. e. to select a move that leave behind see its market share maintained or change magnitude and also ensure net incomeability of the company. individually strategy that the companies may take have implications on the other i. e. move by one firm affects the other firm.Example, in case of one firm change magnitude its prices, this ordain affects negatively market share of the other as the demand of the former companys product increases. There fore, each company is expected to take choice that go away result to its favor. Since the two firms are competing for success in their business, thither is no cooperation expected while making this very pregnant pricing choice. However, both firm being the only supplier in the market, they can cooperate and set their price inversely in a way that exit ensure that no company allow for lose out to the other. such ar driftments are common in oligopolistic markets, where producers when go about by price pressure mutually agree to set their prices at the equal train that will maintain the market share levels.In this game, each player (company) prefers to increase its market share over the other over maintaining the current market share. Therefore, they are taking conflicting moves to win over the other. The information about the on tap(predicate) strategic choices is available to both firms. twain firms also cope the current market share of their products and prices of the rival group. Each company has information about the strengths of the other company and knows how much they can support low prices in the price wars. They also know that the cost of crude oil has change magnitude in the world market and that price was the tool to increase their revenues and growth. The only information both companies do not have is which choice their rival make and when.Companies will not make price changes at the same time therefore the company that will make price changes after the other will have advantage over the other as it has earlier information that is very distinguished in making the pricing decisions. This game is an extensive game and the moves are in a sequence order. Therefore, timing of their moves is very important as it will give the trice company advantage to make a well informed move. Using a hypothetical case, we take example of one company making low move and then the other follows. Using the game tool we can get the attainable outcomes and solutions in an economic situation like ours. The payoffs assigned to each possible result indicate situations where a company can benefit (high payoffs) or lose out to the other competing company (low payoffs).Using a hypothetical example of oil companies BP Inc and savage Plc as companies that operates in a noncompetitive market, we can examine outcomes of pricing moves made by the two companies. The game can be used to give solutions to the price problem in a skintight monopolisic market. The pricing game is based on the following assumptions both BP Inc and overreach Plc are rational entities and in their moves their objectives are to increase their market share. Both firms make a sequential move on pricing that take extensive form (Fudenberg & Tirole 1991). dumbfound Plc makes their decision after the BP Inc makes their pricing move. There is perfect market information counterweight (all company has all market information). early(a) factors that affect influence market s hare of the companies are constant. Strategies employed are price increment, price reduction or maintaining the price level. Payoffs (utility functions) for the moves are assigned as play along that increases its market share over the other gets 5, company that losses its market share to the other gets -5. The payoffs represent the companies gain or loss in market share. The range for payoff is from -5 to 5, with both the lowest and the highest appreciate representing the highest gain and the highest loss. The medium values represent an outcome of moderate change in the market share of the companies. The game can be represented in a tree diagram as follows BP IncP Pv P suit P Pv P P Pv P P Pv P (0, 0) (-5, 5) (-2, 4) (5, -5) (3, 3) (4, 2) (4, 0) (2, 4) (2, 2) If BP Inc increases its prices ( P) overdue to increase world crude oil prices, and shell Plc increases (P) too the outcome will be (0, 0) i. e. their market share would not change entirely their sales may reduce due to de creased demand. If squelch Plc reduces (Pv) the prices after BP Inc has increased its prices, the pay offs are (-5, 5) i. e. BP Inc will loss its market share at a rate that is same as one Shell Plc will increase its market share.In the scenario that BP Inc will try out its prices and Shell maintains its prices (P), the payoffs are (-2, 4) i. e. market share for BP will reduce (Pv) but at low rate compared to Shell increment rate will be. On the other hand, if BP Inc reduces its prices first and then Shell raises its prices, the outcome will be (5, -5) i. e. market share for BP will increase at a rate thats same as the one Shell Plc will lose its share. If both firms reduces their prices, the payoff is going to be (3, 3) i. e. their market share will not change but their sales will be better ( high(prenominal)(prenominal) revenue than if prices are higher). However, if BP reduces its prices but Shell maintains its price, the pay off will be (4, 2) i. e.BPs market share will increa se comparatively higher than Shells. In the last scenario, in case BP maintains its price level but Shell Plc increases its price the outcome payoff will be (4, 0) i. e. BPs share will increase over Shells at relatively higher rate. But if BP maintains its prices and Shell reduces its prices, the pay off will be (2, 4) i. e. Shell Plc will increase its market share at a higher rate than BP Inc. In the last possible scenario, if both BP and Shell maintains their prices, the payoff will be (2, 2) i. e. there is not going to be changes in the market share, though both firms will have higher sales than if they raise their prices.The game theory provides the solution that the endorse (shell) should take a move to reduce its price, if BP increases as it will greatly increase its market share. Also it can get increased market share and profit if it maintains its prices, after BP increases its prices. To the company that makes the first move, the scoop up solution is to maintain the price level as it will have higher payoffs without risking the move by the Shell. These options are the only one that will increase their market share and profitable growth. The price game theory can be used to understand economic changes in duopolistic markets. The game can be used in making strategic pricing and trade decisions.The approach is important to economic theorists in describing the economic rationale that relates to commodity prices, demand and supply dynamics (Guala 2005). Despite the usefulness of game theory, there are some challenges to this theory. The assumptions on which the theory is based sometimes do not hold (Fernandez & Bierman 1998). Game theorist assumption that players always act in a way to today maximize their utility sometimes is break by human behaviors i. e. in practice, human behavior often deviates from this model. This is because of the following factors that sine qua non to be considered irrationality, new models of deliberation, and different mot ives ().In real life some people tend to reply irrationally in a situation where they are ideally expected to suffice rationally. Also different people are motivated by different things and thus tend to respond differently in the same situation. To this end some theorists take game theory as tool for suggesting how people should respond but not as a tool to predict human behaviors and that game theory is used to explain strategic reasoning rather than strategic behaviors. new(prenominal) limitations of the theory are based on the assumptions that prices changes are the only factors that will affect the demand of the oil products and consequently the market share. In real life there are rational factors that affect the market share of a product or a company.Quality of products and services, brand strength, promotions and other marketing strategies influences the demand of a product and its market share. Companies may also be motivated by other factors other than increasing market share when making pricing decisions. The theory also does not assign specific values to fix to what percentage a company gain or lose the market share. Since its an economic analysis it should give outcomes that can be easily understood and that make economic sense. However, the theory is very important in giving the general definition of how individuals are expected to respond disposed(p) a certain economic conditions.In the economic field the theory has been instrumental in explaining behaviors of firms and individuals producers and consumers. The theory is also very important in understanding how strategic decisions relate. Reference Camerer, C. (2003). Behavioral Game opening Experiments in Strategic Interaction. Princeton Princeton University Press Fernandez, L F. Bierman, H S. (1998), Game guess with Economic Applications, Addison-Wesley Fudenberg, D. , and Tirole, J. (1991). Game Theory. Cambridge, MA MIT Press Guala, F. (2005). The methodology of Experimental Economic s. Cambridge Cambridge University Press Samuelson, L. (2005). Economic Theory and Experimental Economics. Journal of Economic writings 4365-107.